rmplus plugins
Added by Alexander Ryabinovskiy almost 5 years ago
We use some of the "rmplus.pro" plugins, including paid "Luxury Buttons".
After some years of our paid license those guys from "rmplus" just dissapeared. They are ignoring our emails and removed all phone numbers from the site. Plugins does not work with latest version of Redmine. And they are obfuscated (rgloader), so we can`t fix it by ourself. It`s a good lesson for us :)
Do you (community or redmine developers) have some contacts of "rmplus" team? Maybe you can convince them to open the source code if they abandoned the project? If not, can you remove their plugins from official plugins directory?
Replies (11)
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Marius BĂLTEANU almost 5 years ago
I always used their support address.
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Roland M over 4 years ago
I can confirm that RMPlus is absolutely not responding of any qeustions viar support address.
Have also troubles with unread_issues and custom_menu and hope I can find anyone who can help?
Seems that a-common-lib is not working in first instance on Redmine 4.1.1
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Andrey Leontev over 4 years ago
Hello. I'm from rplus.pro team. We apologized for this. Now we working on updates for our plugins.
On our site you always can read about actual supported Reine version.
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Martin Brown over 4 years ago
Andrey Leontev wrote:
Hello. I'm from rplus.pro team. We apologized for this. Now we working on updates for our plugins.
On our site you always can read about actual supported Reine version.
Hello Andrey, Are you rmplus.pro Team Member?
I have not been able to contact the staff of rmplus.
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Roland M over 4 years ago
Have already a working a-common-lib for redmine 4.1.1
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Heitor Fontana over 4 years ago
Roland Meier wrote:
Have already a working a-common-lib for redmine 4.1.1
Hi Roland! Can you tell me how I can have access to this version please? Thanks a lot.
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by dominik ch about 4 years ago
I contacted Roland and he asks for few hundreds of € via paypal for his help
In meantime I found some other forks that work:
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Daniel ebert about 1 year ago
it still seems rmplus is not available anymore.
As this plugin was very great i´m looking for similar functionality.
I need only a button to close tickets and set some values to predfined.
Anybody knows something about that?
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Evgeny N 7 months ago
I am also looking for alternatives to this plugin. Have anybody found anything?
RE: rmplus plugins
Added by Alexey Smirnov 6 months ago
you can use plugin hot_buttons