Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Reiner Lichtenberger over 4 years ago
Redmine version 4.1.1.stable
Ruby version 2.5.5-p157 (2019-03-15) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
Git 2.17.1
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed
is there any plugin to create a home-page - integrating the blocks "news, etc.)
so that users can see latest news, documents, etc.?
Any idea how to integrate them?
Replies (10)
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by kaz k over 4 years ago
is there any plugin to create a home-page - integrating the blocks "news, etc.)
so that users can see latest news, documents, etc.?
Any idea how to integrate them?
Hi, I think there are some (or many!) functions and plugins you could consider.
Since you have "no plugin installed", I introduce our home page (Login Top) as an example, or a starting point .Below is the sample figure.
- Left section is a Wiki-based text. This function is standard in Redmine.
- A very useful plugin "Redmine Wiki List" is used to list up issues in Wiki (left section).
- Our example show the listing of issues of (1) Flagged by the management and (2) Due date is near or past, and the open issues are assigned to the login user.
- You could make your own listing criteria with Custom Queries.
- Right section is the latest news section.
- Redmine Wiki List plugin is located at .
- We use Japanese in Redmine (, as you may see in the picture :-) ).
- Redmine used was rather old, 3.1.1.
- The picture above derived from the English translation draft of the presentation, "「CODAの定義・運用の現在 - 2017年版 -」" ( Study Event Number 13) at
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Reiner Lichtenberger over 4 years ago
Hi thx for your answers, but I dont really understand your answers and how to integrate it.
I need this all to see on the home-page for guests - not for logged users.
Left section is a Wiki-based text. This function is standard in Redmine.
-> where can I activate this to show on homepage
Right section is the latest news section.
-> where can I activate this to show on homepage
thx for help
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Reiner Lichtenberger over 4 years ago
can you recommend other plugins?
to show news, files, etc. on the homepage?
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Reiner Lichtenberger over 4 years ago
and sorry, another thing:
to "restart redmine" is it ok, to restart "Ruby" in Plesk?
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
Reiner Lichtenberger wrote:
Hi thx for your answers, but I dont really understand your answers and how to integrate it.
I need this all to see on the home-page for guests - not for logged users.
I think it would be helpful to tell us what exactly you would like to show you users.
Left section is a Wiki-based text. This function is standard in Redmine.
-> where can I activate this to show on homepage
Under Administration -> Settings you can edit the welcome text. That's the text which is shown on the left side of the welcome page.
Right section is the latest news section.
-> where can I activate this to show on homepagethx for help
The latest news section becomes visible when there are news the user is allowed to see. So all you have to do is writing a news article in a project of your choice and it will come up on the welcome page.
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Reiner Lichtenberger over 4 years ago
Hi there,
this is what I need - for NOT logged users - means the public page.
I want to show there the news, documents, files in boxes.
Thx for help
red_start.JPG (37 KB) red_start.JPG | startpage |
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Reiner Lichtenberger over 4 years ago
Hey Guys, pls. help!
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by kaz k over 4 years ago
Reiner Lichtenberger wrote:
If you need such ones on Redmine, one idea is toHi there,
this is what I need - for NOT logged users - means the public page.
I want to show there the news, documents, files in boxes.
- make a Wiki page which should contain what you want to list, and
- make the Wiki page as the start page.
Redmine Start page could be changed with the plugin "redmine_startpage", at .
Although the plugin is old, but there may be a merged patch to make it work with Redmine v4 at .
If interested, please have a try.
Please be noted: I don't installed this plugin on my environment. Please do not ask me for its use.
RE: Plugin to design "Home-Page"
Added by Reiner Lichtenberger over 4 years ago
thx a lot - I ll try that one and keep here updated.