


Looking for a similar plugin like clipboard_image_paste

Added by Nikos Karavasilis over 4 years ago

Greetings, we are planing to update redmine in our company from 3.3 verstion to 4.1.
It would be perfect to add the same plugins as before but some of them are not compatible with 4.1 so i would like to ask if there are any plugins like "redmine_vote" and most importantly "clipboard_image_paste" available.

Thank's in advance, Nikos.

Replies (3)

RE: Looking for a similar plugin like clipboard_image_paste - Added by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago

Redmine 4.1 has a feature to paste an image from the clipboard (#3816). You can paste an image by pressing Ctrl+V / Command+V.

But unlike the clipborad_image_paste plugin, the feature does not support cropping an image.

RE: Looking for a similar plugin like clipboard_image_paste - Added by Domhnall Currie over 4 years ago

Maybe not the same functionality, but you can hit Shift-PrntScr and it'll let you select what part of the screen you want to save. Then you can save it to file or to clipboard. Then paste the clipboard and it just pastes the part you selected/cropped out. I'm on Linux Mint and it may work differently on whatever system you're using, but everything I've ever used had some method of selecting the entire screen or just a part of it.

RE: Looking for a similar plugin like clipboard_image_paste - Added by David Gessel about 4 years ago


We used the plugin in 3.x and in 4.1.1 the internal mechanism has provided equivalent capability without the plugin.

No news on the Redmine Vote plugin, I'm sorry.

