


redmine_recurring_tasks plugin in 4.0.6

Added by Felix Natter about 1 year ago

Dear redmine community,

I have questions regarding the redmine Debian/Ubuntu package 4.0.6-2
in combination with the redmine_recurring_tasks plugin [1]:

  • {REDMINE_ROOT} seems to be /usr/share/redmine? [2], and they want
    me to "git clone" into plugins/, but "plugins" is in
    /usr/share/redmine/lib/plugins... what am I missing?
  • The redmine Debian/Ubuntu package runs as www-data, so do I have
    to swap "sudo" with "sudo -u www-data" for all "bundle" invocations?
  • we made it work using "sudo bundle ..." [3] and we were able to schedule
    a task (1. enable it for the project, 2. schedule the task"), but when
    we ran the cron job command (just like this, without cron):

    sudo bundle exec rake redmine_recurring_tasks:exec RAILS_ENV=production

    nothing happened (even though the task was scheduled in the time frame).
    Shall I create a bug report at github or did I misunderstand something?

  • is there an easier way to get "scheduled tasks" in 4.0.6?



[3] Yes, I know "sudo bundle ..." is probably wrong, but the point is
that we don't understand the plugin's functionality ;-)

Many Thanks for developing redmine and TIA for any answers!

Replies (2)

RE: redmine_recurring_tasks plugin in 4.0.6 - Added by Felix Natter about 1 year ago

Ok, I found out three things:

  • I need to run all "bundle" tasks as root (sudo ...),
    but is this 100% correct?
  • I need to configure anonymous users as members for
    the project(s), and configure the plugin with
    [x] Use anonymous user while copying issues,
    otherwise it won't work.
  • the cron job command works if I am an hour later,
    i.e. if I schedule for 15:20, then it will be executed
    at 16:20.
    This is although I have this in my config/application.rb:
        config.active_record.default_timezone = :local

    and the local tz looks good:
    HOST:/usr/share/redmine$ timedatectl 
                   Local time: Di 2023-05-23 16:48:10 CEST
               Universal time: Di 2023-05-23 14:48:10 UTC 
                     RTC time: Di 2023-05-23 14:48:10     
                    Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200)
    System clock synchronized: yes                        
                  NTP service: active                     
              RTC in local TZ: no                         

I would really appreciate it if someone would reply to this.

Thanks and Best Regards,

RE: redmine_recurring_tasks plugin in 4.0.6 - Added by Felix Natter about 1 year ago

OK, there is more problem: I see the "Schedule" (issue) buttons only when I am logged
in as admin. Any ideas?

Many Thanks in Advance,
