AlphaNodes GmbH "Redmine SAML" plugin does not take into account "admin" attibute
Added by Nicolas Metters over 1 year ago
Techinal context:- Redmine 5.0.5
- First Keycloak instance as IDP
- Another Keycloak instance as SP with a dedicated SAML client for Redmine
- Plugin alphanodes/redmine_saml version 1.0.6
I've managed to configure the plugin and client to properly create user and log in.
However I would like to have the ability for user to be created as Redmine Administrators when the proper Group or Role is set in Keycloak.
The plugin seem to be able to:
- in the initializer there is reference to attribute "admin"
- in redmine_saml/lib/redmine_saml/patches/user_patch.rb that "admin" attribute is supposed to be used
I've checked the SAML response sent by Keycloak:
<saml:AttributeStatement> <saml:Attribute FriendlyName="Email address" Name="email" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string"></saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute FriendlyName="Given name" Name="firstname" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">Jean Roger</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute FriendlyName="admin" Name="admin" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">true</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute FriendlyName="Full name" Name="username" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">jeanroger.caussimon</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute FriendlyName="Family name" Name="lastname" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">Caussimon</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">Admin</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">default-roles-keycloak</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">User</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">manage-account-links</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">Admin</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">view-profile</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> <saml:Attribute Name="Role" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"> <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xs:string">manage-account</saml:AttributeValue> </saml:Attribute> </saml:AttributeStatement>
However, my tests show that the value is in fact not taken into account or at least not pushed to Redmine.
My tests:- in the "user_patch.rb" file, I've added a block after the user creation:
if user_attributes[:firstname].present? user.firstname = 'Nicolas'! user.reload end
SAML log in works and the user has the firstname Nicolas.
Meaning that this method works to update values after initial user creation. - in the "user_patch.rb" file, I've added a block:
if user_attributes[:firstname].present? user.firstname = user_attributes[:admin]! user.reload end
Reloaded Redmine and SAML log-in fails:
<quote>ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid (Validation failed: Firstname can't be empty)):
plugins/redmine_saml/lib/redmine_saml/patches/user_patch.rb:40:in `find_or_create_from_omniauth'
plugins/redmine_saml/lib/redmine_saml/patches/account_controller_patch.rb:33:in `login_with_saml_callback'</quote>
And checking the SAML logs on Redmine's side and the Redmine metadata, there are no SAML attribute other than those defined by OmniAuth so no "admin" attribute.
Has anyone managed to create an admin through the SAML plugin ?
Replies (3)
RE: AlphaNodes GmbH "Redmine SAML" plugin does not take into account "admin" attibute
Added by Nicolas Metters over 1 year ago
<quote> def required_attribute_mapping %i[login firstname lastname mail] end </quote>
Updated to:
<quote> def required_attribute_mapping %i[login firstname lastname mail admin] end </quote>
And all works well.
RE: AlphaNodes GmbH "Redmine SAML" plugin does not take into account "admin" attibute
Added by Nicolas Metters over 1 year ago
Please note that having made "admin" a requested attribute means that all user must send a value: true/false
Otherwise, you will have errors:
<quote> I, [2023-11-16T04:33:51.272633 #1] INFO -- : SAML onthefly user creation for: I, [2023-11-16T04:33:51.292009 #1] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30ms (ActiveRecord: 14.1ms | Allocations: 7249) F, [2023-11-16T04:33:51.293051 #1] FATAL -- : ActiveRecord::NotNullViolation (PG::NotNullViolation: ERROR: null value in column "admin" of relation "users" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (84, jeanroger.caussimon, , Jean Roger, Caussimon, null, 1, null, en, null, 2023-11-16 04:33:51.28808, 2023-11-16 04:33:51.28808, User, only_my_events, null, f, null, null, null, null, f, t). ): plugins/redmine_saml/lib/redmine_saml/patches/user_patch.rb:28:in `find_or_create_from_omniauth' plugins/redmine_saml/lib/redmine_saml/patches/account_controller_patch.rb:33:in `login_with_saml_callback' </quote>
Either set up a SAML attribute false or have the system set admin to 'false' if missing.
To do that, update the "onthefly_creation" block in:
if user.nil? && RedmineSaml.onthefly_creation? && user_attributes[:mail].present? "SAML onthefly user creation for: #{user_attributes[:mail]}"
user = new user_attributes
user.created_by_omniauth_saml = true
user.login = user_attributes[:login].presence || user_attributes[:mail]
user.language = Setting.default_language
if user_attributes[:admin].present?
user.admin = user_attributes[:admin]
user.admin = 'false'
RE: AlphaNodes GmbH "Redmine SAML" plugin does not take into account "admin" attibute
Added by Nicolas Metters over 1 year ago
For whoever it could interrest: I've documented the SAML plugin configuration for Keycloak