


Trying to add acts_as_list to Issue

Added by Mark Maglana about 15 years ago

I'm experimenting with plugins and tried to follow the instructions that Eric gave regarding extending Redmine's core models. The one thing I wanted to do is to make the Issue act as a list (acts_as_list). Here's what I did:

In init.rb

require 'redmine'

# Patches to the Redmine core
require 'issue_patch'


In lib/issue_patch.rb

require_dependency 'issue'

module IssuePatch
  def self.included(base) # :nodoc:

    base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)

    base.class_eval do
      acts_as_list :scope => :project

  module ClassMethods


  module InstanceMethods



Issue.send(:include, IssuePatch)

I try this out in script/console with Issue.find(:first).insert_at and it works like a charm. However, when I try to do the same thing in one of my plugin's controllers, I get a NoMethodError:

undefined method `insert_at' for #<Issue:0x401b568>

What am I missing? :-)

Replies (4)

RE: Trying to add acts_as_list to Issue - Added by Mark Maglana about 15 years ago

ummm...sorry about that. I was missing

require 'application'

In my init.rb. I'm not quite sure what that does, but I'm just happy it works. What's it for?

RE: Trying to add acts_as_list to Issue - Added by Mark Maglana about 15 years ago

Hmmm...I take that back. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. What gives?

RE: Trying to add acts_as_list to Issue - Added by Mark Maglana about 15 years ago

Fixed by adding this to init.rb

require 'dispatcher'
Dispatcher.to_prepare do
  Issue.send(:include, Backlogs::IssuePatch)

RE: Trying to add acts_as_list to Issue - Added by Eric Davis about 15 years ago

For others who run into this:

I've done a blog post that shows what's happening internally along with how to fix it:

Eric Davis
