Programmers WANTED: Hiring people for new plugins
Added by Maxim Krušina over 15 years ago
FOr a year I'm trying to find some programmers to develop some new RedMine plugins and release these plugins to community. Anyway I really have bad luck when looking for Ruby on Railz programmers. I have some tips from my friends to some hiring portals, anyway I preffer to pay someone from this comunity. Anywone interested? I can post plugin development specifications...
Replies (3)
RE: Programmers WANTED: Hiring people for new plugins
Added by Carl Nygard over 15 years ago
I'd be interested.
--carl cjnygard @t gmail d.t com
RE: Programmers WANTED: Hiring people for new plugins
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
Maxim Krušina:
I'm available if you need Redmine plugin development. You can email me directly at
Eric Davis
RE: Programmers WANTED: Hiring people for new plugins
Added by Maxim Krušina over 15 years ago
So, here is (yet raw) description of plugins:
Can I get time/price estimates by email on ?
Thanx! ;)