Help with Google Docs plugin
Added by Paul Roberts over 15 years ago
Regarding topic: #5438, I'm working on a plugin that would allow users to browse and edit google documents for a specific project. The idea is as follows:
Each project gets a folder in a specific google docs account with the same name as the project identifier. Subfolders in the top level folder then create categories for documents. The plugin would then create a tab that lists all of the documents organized by category. Each listing would provide a link that opens an iframe to edit the document through google docs.
So far, I have the plugin mostly working. I can list documents organized by category and link to iframes with the editable document on google docs. I have not yet implemented any code to create or delete documents from redmine however.
I'm new to basically everything here, so I have a number of questions about how to improve the plugin:
(1) I need to store an email and password for the google docs account. Where should I store (file,database?) it and how can I access it from the controller?
(2) All of the edits to documents that go through redmine are attributed to "Guest" does anyone know how I could associate edits with the current redmine user?
Replies (6)
RE: Help with Google Docs plugin
Added by Paul Roberts over 15 years ago
Okay, i did some more work on the plugin and it now supports creating, deleting, listing, and editing google docs.
The code is here:
I added a short description about how to use the code in README.rdoc. The views are not pretty, but functional for the most part.
If there are any more experienced redmine/ruby on rails/gdata users interested in working on this plugin I could really use the help!
RE: Help with Google Docs plugin
Added by chad d almost 15 years ago
hey paul,
I tried to install your plugin in my redmine and my rails app wouldnt start. Im currently running 0.8.4.stable. Do you have a required version to be on for me to try this out?
I am now watching this topic so if you could update it with any info i should get an email back. Or if you update the plugin later, i would still like to try it so try and notify me somehow :)
RE: Help with Google Docs plugin
Added by Paul Roberts almost 15 years ago
Hi Chad,
I threw together this plugin to fit my needs with the hope that an experienced redmine user would take it from there. I made it by basically copying a lot of the code from the gdata ruby app on google and some of the other redmine plugins. So its definitely version dependent, I think I was using 0.8.5, but I'll have to check on that when I get back from traveling next week. For now, did you make sure to define an username and password for a valid gmail account? What do the errors say?
RE: Help with Google Docs plugin
Added by chad d almost 15 years ago
The error was that the rails application failed to start. I usually get that error when in install a new plugin but somethings wrong with it. So i couldnt see any of the pages on my site.
its a great idea for a plugin, i hope someone picks it up !
RE: Help with Google Docs plugin
Added by Paul Roberts almost 15 years ago
Yeah! I confirmed today that the version of redmine I developed on was 0.8.5, and it does not work since I have upgraded to the 0.9.2. I'm pretty tied up with work during the next few weeks, but I'll try to get a working version up and running on 0.9.2 soon.