


1.0.0 Coordination

Added by Eric Davis about 14 years ago

The code for 1.0.0 is ready to be released now but Muntek mentioned doing some coordination of all the teams to take advantage of the PR and "news". What I'm going to do is to:

What else can we do in the next few days to help promote the 1.0 release and get ready for new users and contributors?

Eric Davis

Replies (6)

RE: 1.0.0 Coordination - Added by Muntek Singh about 14 years ago

Here is my suggested todo items that should be release blockers.


  • Clean up installation guides to reflect 1.0 stuff
  • Organize 3rd party links
  • Make IRC more prominent


  • Create Standards documents for plugins in preperation of plugin directory
    • Basically make it so all plugins follow one style, maybe including some sort of XML or other standard description file for automated parsing.


  • Multiple methods of driving more contributions using the PR
  • Open up Redmine Blog to other contributors
  • Just freaking pick a logo and ship with it, hold logo contest later


  • (imo) Subtasks are way too hard to ship like it is currently. Fix it NOW
    • Just commit eric's version possibly.


  • Need to heavily test this code prior to release, as this will be the largest, most prominent, most heavily trafficked release so far.

RE: 1.0.0 Coordination - Added by Eric Davis about 14 years ago

Muntek Singh wrote:

Here is my suggested todo items that should be release blockers.

I disagree about being release blockers. The release date for 1.0 has been known for months now. It's already "late" and I'm not going to push it back any more.


  • Clean up installation guides to reflect 1.0 stuff
  • Organize 3rd party links
  • Make IRC more prominent

I'm going to sweep through the Install and Upgrade docs before the release. Who will go through all of the other docs?


  • Create Standards documents for plugins in preperation of plugin directory
    • Basically make it so all plugins follow one style, maybe including some sort of XML or other standard description file for automated parsing.

I think this is a "nice to have" for 1.0 and not a requirement.


  • Multiple methods of driving more contributions using the PR

Such as?

  • Just freaking pick a logo and ship with it, hold logo contest later

Jean-Philippe Lang already vetoed the logo I'm using for things. I think we've run out of time for a new one and this logo will be the 1.0 logo. It's just bytes, we can change it later.


  • (imo) Subtasks are way too hard to ship like it is currently. Fix it NOW
    • Just commit eric's version possibly.

Can't happen; the version Jean-Philippe committed has diverged from my version too much to be committed. At this point it 1.0 is shipping with what's in trunk, I hope the UX/UI team can help contribute patches to refine the UI (drawing off of my version as needed).


  • Need to heavily test this code prior to release, as this will be the largest, most prominent, most heavily trafficked release so far.

What do you propose? I've been using trunk/1.0 in production for months with several clients already. There are bugs, but there will always be bugs.

I'm sorry if this comes across as aggressive. We really need to get 1.0 shipped soon, delaying it any longer is not an option I am happy with. In my opinion, Redmine should have had it's 1.0 release last year.

Eric Davis

RE: 1.0.0 Coordination - Added by Samu Tuomisto about 14 years ago

I hope that you don't get offended because interrupting your developer discussion and not being one - but please release Redmine 1.0!

I was jumping over 0.9 release while I noticed that 1.0 was planned to be released just soon enough for our needs. Now it is late and only one issue to be solved according to roadmap? If I would be able to close it I would love to! Could somebody make my day (and probably day of many others) and fix the bug and release next Redmine! :)

RE: 1.0.0 Coordination - Added by Eric Davis about 14 years ago

Samu Tuomisto:

I want to get 1.0 released just as much as you do but if we don't prepare for it, everyone will be overwhelmed with work and 1.1 will suffer. As it is the most active Redmine developer has been away for personal reasons.

Please wait a few more days so we can get everything ready.

Eric Davis

RE: 1.0.0 Coordination - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth about 14 years ago

Might be a bit late, but I don't really know if there's a clear method to bring things from trunk to stable branches, is there ? Do you need help to track things that should be integrated for 1.0, or at leat 1.0.1 ? I recently saw fixes done months ago but never merged, I wonder how many fixes are waiting like that.

Some other things I think we should do before 1.0 release :
  • make compatibility matrix a bit clearer and visible : saw recently much issues about bad version of rake, of mysql, of i18n gem, etc.
  • add 0.9.5, 0.9.6 and 1.0 versions to "Affected version" list on (currently it only has versions <= 0.9.4)
  • @edavis10: "Who will go through all of the other docs?": I could easily update the french Guide/Install/Upgrade ones, just need to know when the english pages are finished to be coherent ; maybe you could give me a top here when it's done ?

RE: 1.0.0 Coordination - Added by Eric Davis about 14 years ago

Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:

Might be a bit late, but I don't really know if there's a clear method to bring things from trunk to stable branches, is there ? Do you need help to track things that should be integrated for 1.0, or at leat 1.0.1 ?

The Target Version and Resolved Status are used for that.

I recently saw fixes done months ago but never merged, I wonder how many fixes are waiting like that.

Some features don't go into point releases. For example, subtasks won't go into 0.9.x because it changes too much.

Some other things I think we should do before 1.0 release :
  • make compatibility matrix a bit clearer and visible : saw recently much issues about bad version of rake, of mysql, of i18n gem, etc.

Good suggestion, some libraries have broken their backwards compatibility to support Rails 3.

  • add 0.9.5, 0.9.6 and 1.0 versions to "Affected version" list on (currently it only has versions <= 0.9.4)

Jean-Philippe is the only one with access to change this, but it still needs to be done.

  • @edavis10: "Who will go through all of the other docs?": I could easily update the french Guide/Install/Upgrade ones, just need to know when the english pages are finished to be coherent ; maybe you could give me a top here when it's done ?

You might want to contact Muntek Singh, he's leading up the Documentation Team.

Eric Davis
