


Looking for contractor in Sydney Australia to help us with a Redmine install $$$$ for you

Added by Dirk Eisner over 14 years ago

Added by Dirk Eisner about 2 hours ago

Hi everyone we are a medium size company in the centre of Sydney Australia and we looking for someone helping us with a new Redmine installation. Nothing big just want to add a plug-in and get SVN configured to link in with Redmine. The installation we currently have is the TurnKey solution. It sit’s on its own server.

If you can help us to provide this well payed professional service, please let us know.
We may can facilitate remote access but it would be great if you can come in.


Replies (1)

RE: Looking for contractor in Sydney Australia to help us with a Redmine install $$$$ for you - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Closing this thread as spam because it already exists in "Open Discussion" (where it belongs):

Please be aware that the "Development" forum is only for core development discussions. Other than that, I consider the copy of another topic (and not even good at that, you copied the "Added by" header along) as blatant spam, which goes against the ForumCodeOfConduct.

Last but not least: there's a wiki page listing commercial offerings (I'll let you look for that one yourself…), I'm sure anyone of the people listed there could help you, albeit maybe not as soon as you seem to need it.
