


Copy issue with subissues

Added by Michael Kling over 13 years ago

I wanted to make a feature request but thought its maybe better to talk with you here first.

When copiing an issue all the subissues are left behind. It should be an option to copy them also.

The idea behind: Issue copiing is often used (in my company) for templates.
A template issue with template subissues should be copied as whole, if not the creator has to copy them all by himself (destroying the idea of ready to use templates)

What do you think about it?

Replies (3)

RE: Copy issue with subissues - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

There is already a FR for this (#6965), I agree it would be useful.

RE: Copy issue with subissues - Added by Michael Kling over 13 years ago

Ah you call it subtasks, thats why i couldnt find anything.

Theres also a pending patch in (#7023).

RE: Copy issue with subissues - Added by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago

Michael Kling wrote:

Ah you call it subtasks, thats why i couldnt find anything.


Subtasks is the terminology used in Redmine for actual subissues. See #443 for the implementation-history.
To be honest: I don't like it. Fortunately you can always change it manually by editing the i18n-files...
