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issue with subtasks tree view: maybe bug?
Added by Cristina Aurrecoechea over 12 years ago
I was expecting that subtasks would appear indented under the parent task in the issue view, but it does not happen consistently.
I am attaching a tiff showing how, while I have 3 subtasks under parent task 3119, only one is indented.
does this happen to everybody? is this a bug?
subtaskview.tiff (44.9 KB) subtaskview.tiff |
Replies (5)
RE: issue with subtasks tree view: maybe bug? - Added by William Roush over 12 years ago
Is 6390 supposed to be the child of 3119?
It's only going to show issues that apply to the current filter, regardless of parent/child issues.
RE: issue with subtasks tree view: maybe bug? - Added by Cristina Aurrecoechea over 12 years ago
yes, it is; I would like someone to confirm the problem.
RE: issue with subtasks tree view: maybe bug? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago
The (indented) issue hierarchy is displayed on the issue list (correctly) only when the list is sorted by parent task. That is implemented with r3618 for issue #5196.
What you are experiencing here looks more like issue #5384. Since your #6390 is higher than your parent issue #3119, it is shown above #3119. Your #3063 is below #3119, thus it is shown below #3119. This triggers a match with the sorting by parent task, which itself results in a correct indenting of #3063 and the incorrect (missing) indenting of #6390.
RE: issue with subtasks tree view: maybe bug? - Added by Cristina Aurrecoechea over 12 years ago
Thanks! I appreciate the information.
Just FYI, I figured that in a view where sorting is based on other fields (other than issue number), if issues are all in same project and have the same status, the view will work, file attached.
RE: issue with subtasks tree view: maybe bug? - Added by Ben Flaumenhaft over 10 years ago
See here as well --