


More spam on the boards

Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Hi Devs,

there's more and more spam on the boards, especially on Open / Help ...
A possible solution would be to implement #2340 (or using the plugin mentioned there).
Another idea would be to have more users with admin rights so they can remove posts / block accounts that violate the code of conduct...

Do you have plans to adress this?

Replies (2)

RE: More spam on the boards - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago

Sad to see no response to this, this drives people away from the forums and makes them unusable.
IMHO the community is too small anyway, partly because of the nature and target audience of redmine, partly because of the fork...

I'd really like to see usable forums here, along with forum admins that are often online and respond to questions as well as delete SPAM.

Knowing that the forums functionality is not as developed as in other software, I'd even go so far to propose using other software for the forums.

I'm really puzzeled that there are no plans to expand / enlarge the community around redmine, a part of which would be usable forums.

spam.png (93.5 KB) spam.png

RE: More spam on the boards - Added by Etienne Massip almost 12 years ago

About the community, just write a mail to JPL if you want to help, I don't think you'll get a no-go.

4 months ago spam was stopped by blacklistng IPs, now it's a different spammer.

Also, there's already a spam blocker on but it's not the most efficient one I agree.
