



Feature #1030


Adding comments is not an "activity"?

Added by Raz Mataz almost 17 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

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Another minor thing that made me wonder: When I add a comment
to a ticket then this is not reflected in the Activity-View.

I think it should be, if only for completeness.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #1509: Show new issue notes in the activity listClosed2008-06-20

Actions #1

Updated by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

Maybe this behaviour can be disabled/enabled in global config of redmine, to fit needs of all admins?

Actions #2

Updated by Ernad Husremovic almost 17 years ago

another thought:

Add new activity type: "today's new comments"

Example of that kind of activity:

15:00 New comments during last 2 hours1

#122 - Salary 03/08: by ernad.husremovic (2 x), by Zeljka Vranic (4 x), last update 14:30
#188 - DHL IP phones shipment: by Jasmin beganovic: called, nobody answered, 14:25

As we can see, it would be aggregation of the comments made in the last period1. This report would take only comments on issues which didn't change status - to prevent info's duplication.

The best solution would be to chose between three options:
  1. no activity when new comment without status change is added
  2. every new comment, new activity
  3. aggregated new coments report

1 Aggregate period shoud be configurable on the project level

Actions #3

Updated by Raz Mataz almost 17 years ago

Maxim Krušina
I'm not sure if there needs to be a config toggle.
People who are not interested could just uncheck "Comments"
in the Activity View?

I'm not sure I'd like that kind of aggregation because the
comment-events would no longer be in order with the other events.

For example a ticket change could happen in response to a comment
but the comment would be listed after the change in the activity view.

What I would like though would be aggregation at the ticket-level.
So when multiple comments are made then they are combined into a
single event.

For example:

12:01  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (3 new comments)
     * Moe (11:59): Blah Blah Blah
     * Eric (11:57): Lorem Ipsum Frobnicatz
     * Maxim (11:50): Foo Bar Lorem

That way all events stay in chronological order, the aggregation restarts
whenever a different event (not a comment on Ticket #1234) happens.

Actions #4

Updated by Maxim Krušina almost 17 years ago

You are right ;)

Actions #5

Updated by Ernad Husremovic almost 17 years ago

Yes Moe, your suggestion is better one (ticket level aggregation).

But, we cannot exclude some cases of chronological disorder if we make aggregation:

12:01  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (3 new comments)
     * Moe (11:59): Blah Blah Blah  
     * Maxim (11:50): Foo Bar Lorem

11:57  Feature #1234:  Lorem Ipsum Frobnicatz  (here we have some status change)

Anyway, I think this is the optimal solution :)

Actions #6

Updated by Raz Mataz almost 17 years ago


Almost! :-)
I'd imagine your example to result in output like this:

11:59  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (1 new comment)
     * Moe (11:59): Blah Blah Blah  

11:57  Feature #1234:  Lorem Ipsum Frobnicatz  (here we have some status change)

11:50  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (1 new comments)
     * Maxim (11:50): Foo Bar Lorem

The aggregation would be "interrupted" by any other event happening
in the meantime. That way we get aggregation when multiple comments happen
in a row but chronological order is preserved in every case.

If someone added a comment after this then it would change
to look like this:

12:01  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (*2 new comments*)
     * Someone (12:01): Another comment
     * Moe (11:59): Blah Blah Blah  

11:57  Feature #1234:  Lorem Ipsum Frobnicatz  (here we have some status change)

11:50  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (1 new comments)
     * Maxim (11:50): Foo Bar Lorem

Only the very last activity event can ever change into an aggregated event.
If the example was followed by a status change and another comment, then:

12:03  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (1 new comment)
     * Someone (12:03): Can't stop commenting!

12:02  Feature #1234:  Lorem Ipsum Frobnicatz  (another status change)

12:01  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (2 new comments)
     * Someone (12:01): Another comment
     * Moe (11:59): Blah Blah Blah  

11:57  Feature #1234:  Lorem Ipsum Frobnicatz  (here we have some status change)

11:50  Feature #1234: Implement World Domination (1 new comments)
     * Maxim (11:50): Foo Bar Lorem
Actions #7

Updated by Ernad Husremovic almost 17 years ago

Again, you are right.

I suppose, it makes implementation much harder, but it is surely doable.

Actions #8

Updated by Go MAEDA over 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #1509: Show new issue notes in the activity list added
Actions #9

Updated by Go MAEDA over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Duplicate

Implemented in Redmine 0.8. (#1509)


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