Feature #10363
closedAllow to set blank value for date/text fields while bulk editing
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Hi all,
I search issues for various combinations of bulk/batch/edit/date, found various issues but nothing related to this.
Appreciated feature on single edit¶
When editing single issue, one can empty date fields (start, due date), that is :- state before edit = field contains a date
- state after edit = field is blank.
Missing feature on bulk edit¶
When bulk editing, empty field in edit form means "do not change", not "remove value". Have I missed something ?
How to reproduce / usage scenario¶
- open issue list
- select several issues that have "start date" or "due date"
- right-click, in menu choose "edit"
- bulk edit page opens
- try to express that you want "start date" and/or "due date" to be empty after edit
- see either an option, a conventional value, or, suggestion : a check box that says "remove value"
- click on checkbox
- click on "submit"
- see that date fields are now empty
- wonder how to express that you want "start date" and/or "due date" to be empty after edit
- click on "submit"
- see that date fields are unchanged
Thank you for our attention.
PS: I'm wondering if this should be categorized as "UI" or "issues". This seemed to me more of a UI issue, not a big deal on issue handling side. Please correct if I chose wrong.
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Would rather add a special first item <keep actual value>,selected by default?
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago
- Subject changed from In bulk edit empty date fields to Allow to set blank value for date/text fields while bulk editing
Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version deleted (
Candidate for next major release) - Resolution set to Duplicate
I'm closing this in favor of #2199 which is pretty much the same feature request.