Feature #10664
closedUnsubscribe Own User Account
A user should be able to unsubscribe or request opting out.
A tester put it very well:
Now we have an interesting problem: if a person registers, how does he unregister? In particular, how do I cancel the access by the network to my personal email. I searched the Redmine site in vain for an answer to this question. To me the right to quit is as important as the right to enter. For any mailing list, "Unsubscribe" is a legal obligation. I suspect that there is no such obligation for a social network.
Related issues
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 13 years ago
- Category set to Accounts / authentication
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
- Target version changed from 45 to 1.4.1
Feature added in r9417.
Updated by Dmitry Babenko almost 13 years ago
Russian translations for new labels (config/locales/ru.yml):
notice_account_deleted: "Ваша учетная запись полностью удалена" setting_unsubscribe: "Разрешить пользователям удалять свои учетные записи" button_delete_my_account: "Удалить мою учетную запись" text_account_destroy_confirmation: "Ваша учетная запись будет полностью удалена без возможности восстановления.\nВы уверены, что хотите продолжить?"
Ukrainian translations for new labels (config/locales/uk.yml):
notice_account_deleted: "Ваш обліковій запис повністю видалений" setting_unsubscribe: "Дозволити користувачам видаляти свої облікові записи" button_delete_my_account: "Видалити мій обліковий запис" text_account_destroy_confirmation: "Ваш обліковий запис буде повністю видалений без можливості відновлення.\nВи певні, что бажаете продовжити?"
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 13 years ago
Changes for ru and uk locales are committed, thanks.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Resolution set to Fixed
Feature and translation updates merged in 1.4-stable.