Feature #11087
closedCalculate Total Time Spent on Parent Issue
I noticed that redmine calculates the total estimated time on parent tasks using the estimated time of the sub tasks, it would be awesome to see this for Spent Time as well.
Related issues
Updated by Evgeny Zhiryakov almost 13 years ago
I think the problem lies in these lines:
In Redmine 1.4:
def total_spent_hours @total_spent_hours ||= self_and_descendants.sum("#{TimeEntry.table_name}.hours", :joins => "LEFT JOIN #{TimeEntry.table_name} ON #{TimeEntry.table_name}.issue_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id").to_f || 0.0 end
In Redmine 1.3:
def spent_hours @spent_hours ||= self_and_descendants.sum("#{TimeEntry.table_name}.hours", :include => :time_entries).to_f || 0.0 end
I tried to replace the new line of old, but it did not help.
Updated by Allan Story de Almeida Martins over 12 years ago
+ 1 with redmine 2.0.3
Updated by Florian Schwab over 12 years ago
Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Fixed
Updated by Ty You over 11 years ago
I don't see this working in 2.3.2 stable - am I missing a config setting or something? I do not believe so...
Spent time on subtasks do not roll up - I still see zero's in the issues list for the parent tasks.
Updated by Ty You over 11 years ago
I don't see this working in 2.3.2 stable - am I missing a config setting or something? I do not believe so...
Spent time on subtasks do not roll up - I still see zero's in the issues list for the parent tasks.
EDIT: the patch presented in related issue #11253 indeed still seems to work for 2.3.2 stable.