Feature #11222
openExtend plugins compatibility information
There is a big problem with plugins compatibility and lack of information about compatibility.
Sometimes plugins those are not marked as supported by revent versions of Redmine in fact could work sometimes but you never know before you try. So my idea is to add some fileds to a "plugin" page (in addition to "Compatible with:") those could be updated by any user:
- "Works with (reported):"
- "Doesn't work with (reported):"
or something like that.
Related issues
Updated by Stanislav German-Evtushenko over 12 years ago
And I would also add "Maintainer:" field in addition to "Author:" and ability to orphan and to take over a project.
Updated by redmineservices . over 11 years ago
I'd like to work on this job. I'd be willing to develop a plugin to manage plugins. It is possible?
Updated by Stanislav German-Evtushenko over 11 years ago
Posibility to leave comments for plugins where we can discuss compatibility and other points would be also very useful addition.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #16215: Vote for plugins added
Updated by Robert Schneider almost 11 years ago
The whole plugin issue could get more emphasize. I have never used plugins yet since I'm never sure if it is a risk to use one. Before I install one I'd like to know more how reliable it is, how often it is used (downloaded), how it is rated, how well it is maintained and so on. I don't want to start using a plugin and see after a couple of months that it is buggy or that I cannot update Redmine because of the plugin. To better estimate plugins some more information would be good. And it would be nice if one could search/filter for plugins (e.g. highest rated).
BTW: To realize this maybe Redmine.org should use some plugins ;-)
Would be interesting to know if the site use some already.