Feature #1274
Add option to make auto-fetch changesets fetch when activity/issues are viewed
Currently, new changeset information is only fetched when you view the repository. So if you update an issue, and mention a revision in it, it doesn't get hyperlinked until someone has viewed the repository.
Adding an option so that changesets will be fetched everytime an rXXXX is encountered, or when the activity page is viewed, would aid in the usability of redmine.
I hope this wouldn't be a performance show-stopper, as trac does this and we never noticed any slowdown when using it. But making it an extra option after auto-fetch commits would be good.
Related issues
Updated by Thomas Löber almost 17 years ago
Concerning the activity view your request relates to #1063.
Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago
Hi Thomas, you are correct, but I'd still like to leave this as an open request to have this happen when any 'rXXXXX' is viewed.
Ideally, it would be refreshed when ever you view an issue, even if it doesn't contain a comment mentioning a revision. How we've just started working is to not bother mentioning revisions in the ticket comments, but now I have a work-around for #1253, we just mention the bug in the commit comment. So we open a bug, fix it and do the commit, mentioning the bug, then close the report. It would be nice if when the issue re-displays after changing its status, the associated revisions are already present, but they currently aren't as the repository/activities haven't been viewed yet.
So it would be nice to try and keep associated revision displays up to date.