



Defect #12949


Project Within a Project Within a Project

Added by Boyd Thaxton over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

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Is it possible to create several project sub projects?
For instance:

1.Product Development
a.  Fisher Price
i.    Robot
1.    RBTest 1
2.    RBTest 2
3.    RBTest 3
ii.   Eye Poker
1.    EPTest 1
2.    EPTest 2

b.  Tyco
i.    Hover Car
1.    HCTest1
2.      HCTest2

Actions #1

Updated by Boyd Thaxton over 11 years ago

Project within a project
We have one instance of Redmine installed on our intranet. When I started using this I had intended to use it for only 1 purpose… to track Tool Design Requisitions. One I struggled to get all my internal customers to use it most of them learned to love it. I/We have started to expand its use across the company. I have run into a scenario that I am not sure how to BEST move forward. I will try to explain, but keep in mind… I am NOT in our IT department (I am an Engineer) and to get IT support is pretty close to impossible. I say that because my first and only remedy to this situation would be to install another instance of Redmine.
Currently we have projects set up as follows:
Tool Design
MFG Planning
So on…..
They are basically departments within our company. People will pick the area of need and create an “Issue” which has custom fields to fill out for a need from that department. Simple and works well.

I want to introduce our Program Management team to Redmine. So I have set up a new project called “Program Management” under that I have created sub projects for current customers (say Fisher Price for example).
With that said here is my dilemma…. Say we are working on a robot for Fisher Price…. We have several test units that we call TU1, TU2 and so on. I would like to be able to make more sub projects to track all these test units…. A person could select Fisher Price and be able to select the Wiki to catch on “The Plan of Attack” and important details. From there they can select sub projects of each test unit.

Actions #2

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid

I'm closing this issue, as it's not a defect but a question. Please copy & paste your question on the forums.
I already have an idea of what you'd like to achieve and will respond on the forums.


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