



Defect #12968


Subtasks don't resepect following/precedes

Added by Moe H about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Issues planning
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In the current development version, there is a bug
Imagine following scenario:
There are 2 tasks: "Issue1" and "Issue2", and "Issue2" follows "Issue 1" by x days. This works fine. But if I add an subtask to "Issue2" the startdate is not correctly set to Issue1.enddate + x, instead it is possible to set any date you want, without respecting the Issue Relation.

Furthermore, it is possible to set a relation so the subtask precedes "Issue 1", which creates a circular dependency.

Actions #1

Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago

I encountered some error which seems to relates to the same problem.

For example:
- Task A
-- Task A1
-- Task A2
- Task B
-- Task B1
-- Task B2
- Task C

Task C follows A, Task B1 follows C, Task B2 follows B1

If I set some follow or precede on subtask, where the parent task already has precedes or follows relations, these relations will be automatically removed without any warning or errormessage. I encountered this several times.

Actions #2

Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.3.0

This should be rechecked before 2.3 release.

Can anyone still confirm this?

Actions #3

Updated by Moe H about 12 years ago

I have rewritten the all_dependent_issues function in the issue model, which should eliminate the problem with circular dependency. But i'm not sure how to contribute it.

Actions #4

Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago


Maybe your firm with tortoise. Just generate a diff with your changes.

If not, just upload a file with the corresponding function.

Maybe toshi or jean-Philippe can review this and apply the changes to the core.

This way it could be fixed before Redmine 2.3 will be released.

Actions #5

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Moe H wrote:

In the current development version, there is a bug
Imagine following scenario:
There are 2 tasks: "Issue1" and "Issue2", and "Issue2" follows "Issue 1" by x days. This works fine. But if I add an subtask to "Issue2" the startdate is not correctly set to Issue1.enddate + x, instead it is possible to set any date you want, without respecting the Issue Relation.

Fixed in r11640.

Furthermore, it is possible to set a relation so the subtask precedes "Issue 1", which creates a circular dependency.

Fixed as part of #8794.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed



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