



Patch #12983


"Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" sends notifications only for issues

Added by Felix Schäfer about 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Email notifications
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The e-mail notifications setting "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" currently only sends notifications for issue updates. This has confused some of our ( users because they didn't receive notifications for other things than issues they'd watch.

Patch is upcoming.


Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #8406: Missing notification "Only for things I watch or I'm assigned to" for developersNew2011-05-19

Related to Redmine - Defect #13012: DE and FR: translation wrong for label_user_mail_option_only_my_eventsClosed

Actions #2

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Hi Felix,
just to make sure I understand the scenario correctly:
  1. User 1 sets watch=yes on something else than an issue, say, a wiki page
  2. User 2 changes that wiki page
  3. User 1 does not get a mail

I just tested this on 2.2.1 and I got a mail...
Edit: "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" being my preference, of course.

Actions #3

Updated by Felix Schäfer about 12 years ago

In your scenario, if user 1 has the email notification setting on "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in", he won't get an email. The german translation is a little misleading because it says "Only for issues I watch or I'm involved in", the french translation is also misleading because it says "Only for things I watch".

Actions #4

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

The german translation is a little misleading because it says "Only for issues I watch or I'm involved in",

It reads 'Aufgaben'... I agree, that should be corrected...

the french translation is also misleading because it says "Only for things I watch".

Just like the french version, I'll include that.

In your scenario, if user 1 has the email notification setting on "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in", he won't get an email.

I checked that Fyfnjkbq Rjxytd this afternoon and well, I got a mail...
I just tested at home and, alas, no mail.
The difference being that Fyfnjkbq Rjxytd my user is an administrator...

I'll re-check tomorrow Fyfnjkbq Rjxytd.

Actions #5

Updated by Etienne Massip about 12 years ago

The current implementation states that it's only about Issues so changing it require an update of this statement, all the different case to be dealt with and some unit tests for "things" other than issues.

Actions #6

Updated by Felix Schäfer about 12 years ago

Etienne Massip wrote:

The current implementation states that it's only about Issues so changing it require an update of this statement, all the different case to be dealt with and some unit tests for "things" other than issues.

The statement is in the code, yes, but the email notifications options don't reflect that (except in the german translation).

I first wanted to hear the consensus about this issue before fixing everything around it. If you say this is OK for core I'll happily update the patch to correct the comment, tests and german, french and english translations. If you think this shouldn't go into Redmine, I obviously don't need to do the work :-)

Actions #7

Updated by Felix Schäfer over 11 years ago

Any news on this?


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