Patch #13203
closedGerman translation change for follow and precedes is inconsitent
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The german translation for precedes and follows ticketrelations is inconsistent.
There are two mixed approaches to translate these terms.
label_precedes: Vorgänger von
label_follows: Folgt
Approach which meanes "followed by" or "precedes on..."
label_precedes: Vorgänger von
label_follows: Nachfolger von
Approach which meeans "follows" or "precedes"
label_precedes: Geht vor
label_follows: Folgt nach
Well, even if the label fields would expext approach 2, the german translation in approach 1 would be much more convenient.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 2.3.0
Committed in trunk r11431, thanks.