Feature #13483
closedAdditional GitHub repositories for associated projects.
Would it suit you gentlemen to have additional repositories in the "Redmine" group on GitHub containing the sources for projects related to Redmine?
In particular I'm thinking of the Mylyn plugin for Redmine and it's Eclipse connector.
(Mine are not the only forks of these sources on GitHub, there are several that all seem to have been independently siphoned out of the SourceForge repository via git-svn).
I'm happy with any kind of disclaimer that these are not "official" Redmine projects. I also have no problem if you refuse - I just think it might be nice to have a single location to focus efforts on some of these things. The community benefits from improved Redmine support, Redmine benefits from having a more attractive spread of plugins and client tools.
A good Mylyn plugin is a real plus for any issue tracking system used by a community of Java developer. The version as it stands has been stagnant and could use some work, so the maintenance would probably mostly be along the lines of folks like me, scratching their own issues, but it would seem to be a good idea to gather all these trickles of effort into one place.
I shall look forward to your thoughts on the matter.