Feature #1349
openSVN Deployment managed by Redmine
In some other hosted system there is functionality to deploy a SVN repository via ftp or ssh to a remote server. (http://www.springloops.com has this which links to basecamp). This allows you to setup several deployment paths for your code (development server, staging server and live server for example) and then allows you to deploy a particular revision to one of these servers.
A stage further would be to then update the issues which should be impacted by the revision so issues can then be verified as being fixed.
Updated by Alain D. about 16 years ago
I love this feature of springloops (and beanstalkapp as well)
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 14 years ago
- Category changed from SCM to SCM extra
Updated by Tim Klein almost 14 years ago
+1 this feature would be awesome to have!
Updated by Tim Klein almost 14 years ago
are there more people interested in this feature?
we could combine our funds and get it integrated.
I would throw in $200 USD
Updated by Orlando Romero over 12 years ago
+1 This sounds like a very useful feature. Any update on this or any other alternative tool to achieve the same?
Updated by Anthony Topper over 12 years ago
This seems like it would be better suited as a plugin. Since Capistrano does all this stuff and Capistrano is a Ruby based IIRC maybe a Capistrano GUI plugin would be a good approach to take.