



Feature #13527


'Display name' for users

Added by Anonymous about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

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Similar to a nickname, this would offer a way for people to set how they prefer to be shown in project member lists. Details:

  • From admin settings, the display format choices remain unchanged (explained in next point), and the label is updated to 'Default user display format'.
  • Add a check box near the display format setting list to "Override display name".
  • Display name is added as a field to user settings.


Users can choose to enter a custom display name. If left blank, the system default is used. If 'Override' is enabled, this field either (a) has no effect, default format is used for everyone, but a value can still be entered, or (b) is disabled altogether, but any pre-existing display names are protected to be restored if re-enabled.

Use case:

  • Casual Redmine instances where users will want to use a preferred nickname other than their username.
  • International instances where some users prefer Firstname Lastname and others the opposite.
  • Privacy priorities, where the Redmine host users may be comfortable sharing a full name, but external users require some level of identity obfuscation from each other.

Thanks for consideration/feedback!

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #11724: Prevent users from seeing other users based on their project membershipClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Related to Redmine - Feature #13533: Concept for controlling visibility of usersNew

Actions #1

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 12 years ago

Joshua DeClercq wrote:

  • Privacy priorities, where the Redmine host users may be comfortable sharing a full name, but external users require some level of identity obfuscation from each other.

Such could be better solved by something like #11724, I think.

Actions #2

Updated by Anonymous about 12 years ago

I don't know, that's all very kludgy. Playing with who can see watchers, who can see the member box on Overview... it's all so... half a solution. Hiding the member block and watcher list doesn't hide users from the assignee drop-down. It doesn't hide the author value of any issues we want to make public. What's more, these aren't necessarily things we want to hide. Maybe we don't want to completely lock them out of assigning issues to others, or hide everyone--including ourselves--from them.

It's all just too chaotic, too specific a use case, and requires too much heavy-handed policy enforcement. It's less time-consuming and less of an imposition on the user to just let them wear a less identifiable--but still recognizable to the people who know them--name of their choosing.

All my opinions, of course. I'm always going to favor the solution that gets the most robust and versatile results with the least work and upkeep, so naturally if a better solution is out there, I'm all eyes.

You made me think about that angle a little more, though, and while I still believe there's a purpose to having a Nickname/Display name option, I think I'll also describe a model for user visibility. Just in case it's any good, I'll log it as a separate ticket, though (#13533).


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