Feature #1354
openakismet for spam filtering
It would be nice to have a setting to allow akismet to filter for spam.
Related issues
Updated by Christoph Koehler over 16 years ago
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
Updated by Derek Montgomery over 16 years ago
Yeah really, once you got one spam, it just keeps happening...
Please please provide any antispam mesure you see fit!!!!!
Updated by Adam Knight about 16 years ago
I'd love to leave Redmine open and allow anonymous folks to create tickets and such, but before I even look to see if there's a way to wiggle that in, this is a must. There must be a way (Akismet, ReCaptcha, etc.) to prevent spammers from abusing the system before that's feasible.
Updated by Brad Beattie almost 16 years ago
Seeing a fair amount of spam lately, I'm going to see if I can't provide the necessary hooks for anti-spam plugins. Ideally, I'd like it to be flexible enough to support content-filterers (e.g. Akismet, Mollom) and captchas for young users (e.g. Recaptcha). I'll post my patch here when I have it ready.
Updated by Brad Beattie almost 16 years ago
Brad Beattie wrote:
Seeing a fair amount of spam lately, I'm going to see if I can't provide the necessary hooks for anti-spam plugins. Ideally, I'd like it to be flexible enough to support content-filterers (e.g. Akismet, Mollom) and captchas for young users (e.g. Recaptcha). I'll post my patch here when I have it ready.
Got diverted by other things, but I found this akismet library in ruby today. That should provide a decent starting point.
Updated by Brad Beattie almost 16 years ago
- File akismet.patch akismet.patch added
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
Okay, this is just a first go, but it doesn't work yet.
- Not sure how to get the request object into the model to work with
- Not sure how to get the site url
- Doesn't allow any review of whether or not something's spam, just outright denies the object creation. Instead, it should create the message, but set the spam column to true. The forum controller then needs to filter those out.
But yeah, just a start.
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
- Category set to Plugin Request
- Assignee deleted (
Jean-Philippe Lang)
Updated by Guru M almost 11 years ago
Brad Miller Beattie
This Akismet anti-spam for Rails might be useful.
"Easy Akismet and TypePad AntiSpam integration for Rails - Rakismet" by Josh French : https://github.com/joshfrench/rakismet
It exposes query and review submission methods like
spam? (predicate)
ham! (false positive)
spam! (submit)
Guru M.