Defect #14081
closedDavids bridal register page first and last field challenges
1. Navigate to
2.On home screen select create account
3.On the create account page fill in the login details email address and create a password (Must be a valid email address)
4. Fill in the personal details information.For the first name type 411 and for the last name type 911
5.Continue to fill out the personal details section with an address, city and state and any other information needed in the personal details.
6.Fill out the event details portion (the event can be fake)
7. Submit information
Expected Result:
When entering first name last name you should be able to only submit alphabetic characters
Actual Result:
When entering First and last name you are allowed to submit numeric characters
Windows 8 - Google Chrome
Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Invalid
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