



Patch #1470


Projects Info Block for MyPage

Added by Chris Peterson over 16 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

My page
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This patch will add a projects block to the MyPage blocks that will display a table of projects the current user is a member of. Along with the project names, it will also list the number of assigned issues, reported issues, and spent time for a given project.


MyPage_Projects_Block.patch (19 KB) MyPage_Projects_Block.patch Chris Peterson, 2008-06-16 21:09
Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

I like this new block. In addition, I think it would be nice to:
  • display projects as a tree (projects/subprojects)
  • have a 'New ticket' link for each project
A few notes about the this patch:
  • it can easily generate thousands of SQL queries
  • :controller => 'projects/' << project.identifier is not the proper way to generate urls
Actions #2

Updated by Chris Peterson over 16 years ago

I am glad that you like it. Would you please clarify the additions:

  • How do I distinguish between Parent projects you are a member of and those you are not a member of (I suppose I could use the fav icons). Also, by 'project as a tree' do you mean:
    1. Similar to a tree widget that expands and collapses
    2. Just an indentation to indicate that it is a subproject
    3. Hybrid of the two
  • Assuming that 'new ticket' is analogous to New Issue, should the link appear as:
    1. A new column
    2. As a parenthesis surrounded link after the name

As this is my first foray into Ruby and Ruby on Rails, I was not sure on how to do the SQL query and url generation properly, I just kept hacking until it worked. So, any advice on the proper way would be welcome.

Actions #3

Updated by Filou Centrinov almost 12 years ago

Category: My page

Actions #4

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 12 years ago

  • Category set to My page
Actions #5

Updated by Daniel Felix almost 12 years ago

Sounds interesting. Maybe this patch should be migrated to 2.3.0 codebase and tested again. :-)


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