Defect #1512
closedColons and whitespace wrapping
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This is a pretty trivial issue, but...
When looking at an issue in "read" mode, each field label has " : " after it, i.e. space colon space.
Conventional English punctuation is not to put a space before a colon.
In addition, the space often causes the colon to wrap onto the next line, which looks really ugly.
Finally, the colons aren't there when the record is in edit mode, which makes me wonder why they're there in read mode. The labels and data are already different font weight, so the colons seem unnecessary.
So in summary:- I don't think read mode needs colons.
- If it does, shouldn't they be there in edit mode too?
- If colons are used in any mode, they shouldn't have spaces in front.
- If you ignore all this and keep them as is, you should use CSS
white-space: nowrap;
to prevent the colons from wrapping onto the next line.