Defect #18374
closedIncoming emails are truncating CRLF
When sending an email to Redmine from Outlook 2013 running Exchange 2007 it appears that emails' line endings are being removed. Instead of this:
Project: test
we are getting this:
EmailProject: test
Mail coming from on the newest version of OS X, Outlook Web Access, etc. seems OK.
Related issues
Updated by Scott Mead about 10 years ago
+1 for this issue. Just ran in to the exact same thing when using gmail. This is messing up my inbound email truncation logic.
Updated by Felix Schäfer about 10 years ago
This might not be related to CRLF but to the fact that Outlook might be sending html-only emails. Could you please check if the emails sent from outlook contain a text-part or the only and html part?
In case there is no text part, Redmine reverts back to the html part and just strips away all html markup. This causes line or paragraph breaks to be lost. Have a look at #16962 for a nicer handler for incoming html emails.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #16962: Better handle html-only emails added
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Should be solved by #16962.