Defect #1843
openImporting trac's [wiki:"String WikiString"] translates to [[String [[WikiString]]]]
When importing trac's [wiki:"String WikiString"] it translates to [[String [[WikiString]]]]
Removing line source:/tags/0.7.3/lib/tasks/migrate_from_trac.rake#L244 solve this for me because I don't use WikiCaps.
I've tried to fix it, but don't have enough regexp magic.
ruby 1.8.5
rails 2.0.2
Updated by Daniel Feliciano Branco over 16 years ago
Esta [...] linux [wiki:"gtitqb"] do itqb, [...] externa da [wiki:"fw"]. Na [wiki:"fw"] a rede [...] a [wiki:"DMZ"], onde [...] e a [wiki:"VPN"], utilizada [...]
gets imported to:
Esta [...] linux [[gtitqb"] do itqb [...] externa da [wiki"fw]]. Na [[fw"] a rede [...] a [wiki"DMZ"] onde [...] e a [wiki"VPN]], utilizada [...]
Thanks again.
Updated by Karl Heinz Marbaise over 16 years ago
- File defect-1843.patch defect-1843.patch added
i have taken a look at it...
It seemed to be laying in the line source:/tags/0.7.3/lib/tasks/migrate_from_trac.rake#L237....
I have create a patch which will exactly handle the previous situation and is placed before the lines, cause i'm not sure if this has different relationships...but it will product correct results during test migrations.
Updated by Karl Heinz Marbaise over 16 years ago
- File non-greedy.patch non-greedy.patch added
Ok. I have take a second look and found out that many of these RegEx are using
greedy-behaviour (.* instead of .*?). I have appended a patch to use non-greedy-behaviour instead.
You can simply forget the defect-1843.patch).
Updated by Daniel Feliciano Branco over 16 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
I've tried your non-greedy.patch against version 0.7.3, and it solved the [[String [[WikiString]]]] issue. (thanks)
The "text [wiki:"page1"] text [wiki:"page2"] text." still gets converted to "text page1"] text [wiki"page2 text."
The problem is the " as "text [wiki:page1] text [wiki:page2] text." gets correctly converted.
Thanks again
Updated by Daniel Feliciano Branco over 16 years ago
- % Done changed from 50 to 0
My mistake, I still had a comment on line 244 that converted WikiCaps, the patch didn't fix it yet (as you stated on #2 comment)
Sorry about that.
Updated by Daniel Feliciano Branco over 16 years ago
- File defect-1843-r2.patch defect-1843-r2.patch added
I've given another go at the regexp problem, started with your first patch and fixed the two problems, on the first check, not breaking any thing else.
Updated by Daniel Feliciano Branco over 16 years ago
- File defect-1843-r3.patch defect-1843-r3.patch added
I've find and solved another bug, [wiki:"test1/test2" "test"] didn't work.
Here is a patch against 0.7.3.
I've converted 2800 wiki edits from trac to reamine and we are now using redmine for our internal management.
Thanks for a great piece of software.
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next minor release
Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs feedback
Again another trac importer bug. Any news on this? Maybe someone can confirm, that this is fixed?
Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Candidate for next minor release)