



Defect #19321


MinGW thin and puma: non ASCII wiki page causes "Internal server error"

Added by Eugene B over 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:
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Wont fix
Affected version:


We were using 2.4.1 Bitnami installation for about a year with no problems. After 3.0.0 release we have switched to this new version to be sure we are using current Redmine branch, and our installation is not so outdated. We are using Bitnami 3.0.0 installer for windows platforms.

We have found a problem, that if a wiki page contains russian word "Информация" (tranlation: Information) written with capital letter only! If this word is present in wiki page name (no matter if it is first word in wiki page name or it will be one of the next words) it will lead to "Internal server error" while trying to access a page.

For example:
"Справочная информация" - this wiki page name opens normal
"Справочная Информация" - this wiki page name will lead to "Internal server error" error message

"информация по учетным записям трекеров контейнерных линий" - this wiki page name opens normal
"Информация по учетным записям трекеров контейнерных линий" - this wiki page name will lead to "Internal server error" error message

All other wiki pages, tasks, everyting works correct. We have run migration two times:
this way
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
and this way:
set RAILS_ENV=production
rake db:migrate

migration reports no errors.

Later we noticed, that actually a broken page exists, and we can open it by changing letter "И" from capital to "и" at the browser address line. We had so far only 5 problem pages, and we renamed them all to use small "и" letter at the wiki page name. This is of course a workaround, and problem exists.

To confirm error, we have installed clean Redmine 3.0.0 instance from bitname at another PC and tried to make a wiki page there using "Информация" word, mistake is the same. So I think its not a DB migration error, its most likely error in Redmine itself (or probably some conflict with software that bitnami intaller uses)


windows-thin.png (76.3 KB) windows-thin.png Toshi MARUYAMA, 2015-03-26 13:54

Related issues

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