Feature #19378
openIssue Report Column Totals
In issue report, we can find detailed information about all issues.
But it lacks total issue counts for each column.
For example lets take tracker in issue report. One can see open and closed issue counts for each tracker as well as total issue counts for each tracker. What i'm mentioning about is that there would be one more row at the bottom indicating "Total Open Issue Count" and "Total Closed Issue Count". This is needed for all types in issue report.
I hope i was able to tell what is on my mind. Please let me know if i wasn't clear so i will post pictures.
Updated by Bahri Yardim about 10 years ago
- File issue_report_by_status.png issue_report_by_status.png added
- File issue_summary_add_summary_by_status.patch issue_summary_add_summary_by_status.patch added
Actually, it is better to add Status Report separately rather than under each row.
It is better to work than talk. So i have made what i needed. And i have created a patch from redmine-3.0-stable.
I have also attached a picture to show what the outcome looks like.
Since the report shows issues by status, there is no need to create a detailed report for this.