



Feature #19882


Clean up plugin directory

Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Website (
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


I have started to clean our plugin directory and to sort out plugins that are no longer available or incompatible with redmine.
I want to explicitly state that this cleanup is not intended to harm individuals or companies, but for the best of our users, who use the plugin directory to find plugins that work with redmine (contrary to plugins that only work in forks of redmine).

Today I have removed 19 plugins, all by Petr Pospisil / EasyRedmine. All removed plugins were either incompatible with vanilla redmine (i.e. marked "EasyRedmine only" on the linked download location), or not available for download at all (i.e. the link didn't go to a download location).
See the attached image to get an impression of our users ratings and feedback - IMHO this speaks for itself...

I'll carefully review all plugins in the coming months to find if there are other plugins that are not / no longer available for download or do not work on vanilla redmine.

If you have pointers or know of plugins that match the aforementioned criteria, then please post a link.


ratings_and_comments.png (172 KB) ratings_and_comments.png Jan Niggemann ( team member), 2015-05-19 14:18

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #24069: Additional Data Field on Plugins: License InformationNewJean-Philippe Lang

Is duplicate of Redmine - Feature #17689: De-List or cleraly mark commercial pluginsNew

Actions #1

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 10 years ago

For transparency, here's a disclosure of the accompanying email I sent to the user (and CC JPL):

Dear Petr,

our plugin directory is only helpful for our users if they find plugins they can actually use with vanilla redmine.
This is why today, I removed 19 of your plugins from our plugin directory on All were either not available for download, i.e. the page linked to did not provide a link to the plugin, or were marked "EasyRedmine only" on the linked page.
Our users were already quite upset, see the attached ratings and comments for some reactions...

I'll carefully review all plugins in the coming months and clean up those that are not / no longer for download or don't work with the redmine versions released from

I want to explicitly state that this cleanup is not intended to harm individuals or companies, but for the best of our users, who use the plugin directory to find plugins that work with redmine (contrary to plugins that only work in forks of redmine).

Sincerely yours
Jan Niggemann

Actions #2

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 10 years ago

Next batch

Plugin Name URL comment action
Transactions, Personal Finances, Cash Desk Easyredmine only removed
Redmine-RepositoriesUpdateIssuewithSVNcommit 1star rating with "very good"-comment removed rating
redmine_chosen patch, not plugin annotated
Projects Tree View unmaintained annotated
Redmine reports commercial annotated
Resource Management, Utilization No download link, "easyredmine only" in the comments removed
Custom Menu free but reg req annotated
Actions #3

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 9 years ago

  • Is duplicate of Feature #17689: De-List or cleraly mark commercial plugins added
Actions #7

Updated by dj jones over 8 years ago

I would like to volunteer to help clean up the Plugin pages - with the aim of making Redmine look like a more vibrant, active community.

Many plugin owners have failed to update their pages -so the plugin looks abandoned - but in reality many have been forked on GitHub and a newer version is available!

But because volunteers like me can't edit the plugin pages -we can't help to tidy up right now!

In contrast, the Theme page is editable -and I have updated and tidied that page once or twice a year for some time.

Tasks for Plugin pages:

  • show that plugins DO support newer Redmine: change Github URLs to forks that are newer
  • have a new field 'date of last update': currently the only date at the top is data the plugin started: but a key question for plugin users: is how recent is the activity on this plugin?

A secondary task - would be to edit forums - where old plugins are discussed: to place at top of page a message that explains the discussion is old and show a URL to the latest plugin / or state that p"lugin is not needed as Redmine version X onwards includes that functionality."
eg Redmine Collapse plugin

For now - here is some tidying needed:

Add a text block to the top of the Plugin Template: to encourage use of the 'fork' link in Github to find newer forks (some visitors to the site may not be GitHub savvy)

Delete - (the service linked to is dead):

This Plugin has a fork that supports Redmine 3
- this fork:

State it supports V2 and change github to better fork, as I listed in 'review' at footer

Same again: the new fork here supports 3 and 2

Actions #8

Updated by dj jones over 8 years ago

more plugins that need editing:
- show more recent fork that supports 3 eg:
- delete URL (that page no longer relevant):
- delete: because core Redmine now does this already
- instead of the 'redmine team note' at the top: update the Plugin compatibility data and insert the new fork: that way when someone searches for plugins that support 3: they will find this one! Currently they will not find it!
- change github fork: and 'Compatible with' to 3.2
- newer fork says Compatible with 2.4: and a reviewer says compatible with 2.5
- this one:
- newer fork says compatible upto 3.0

Actions #9

Updated by dj jones over 8 years ago

more plugins to update@
- add COMMERCIAL warning at top.
- consider: are the 5-star ratings bogus? (are from users no longer in the system, who all gave 5-star rating at a similar time)

Consider: a change to the Plugin template:
- add two text-area fields:
- WHY is this functionality useful, and WHEN
- WHAT this plugin does

eg this plugin is not very helpful:
- when it only gives the WHAT 'This plugin adds a first and last closed date column to issue lists.'
- change github to the fork at the page bottom: which seems to be the original creator of the plugin anyway
- update 'compatible with'
- remove it - as it says, is not need for RM > 1.4
- add note at top to say it is a fork of this, which is also being updated:

Actions #10

Updated by dj jones over 8 years ago

more plugins to tidy
- add banner at top: "Redmine 3.2.0 has the same feature which this plugin provides"
which is what is said at GitHub:
- add banner at top to say: "works in Redmine 3 after renaming the plugin directory to redmine_monitoring_controlling (ie use underscores between words)
- as that is what people say down in the reviews
- update Compatibility too
- add at top that it works wth 3 with fork:
- add Commercial warning at top, based on the experience of the reviewer at the page bottom.

Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago

  • Related to Feature #24069: Additional Data Field on Plugins: License Information added
Actions #12

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 8 years ago

Delete - (the service linked to is dead):

- delete URL (that page no longer relevant):

- delete: because core Redmine now does this already

- add COMMERCIAL warning at top.


- consider: are the 5-star ratings bogus? (are from users no longer in the system, who all gave 5-star rating at a similar time)

All accounts had yahoo email addresses, had no activity except for the 5-star ratings and were only used once - on the day of account creation... I deleted all those accounts and removed all those 5-start ratings as they were clearly bogus.

I am hesitant to change plugin pages to something else, because the plugin pages are actually "owned" by the plugin creators, who would find their name connected to a plugin URI that is not "their" plugin.

What do you think?


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