Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Alex A almost 14 years ago
This plugin by current version does not work correctly on redmine 1.1.x
I`d correct some bugs and add feature that to view projects as tree (some code from treevew plugin:
It`s may be someone useful.
redmine_collapse.tgz (26.2 KB) redmine_collapse.tgz |
Replies (9)
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Chris Darts almost 14 years ago
I've just tried the above plugin on Redmine 1.1.2 and get the following error:
NameError in Welcome#index Showing vendor/plugins/redmine_collapse/app/views/layouts/base.rhtml where line #47 raised: undefined local variable or method `page_header_title_implemented' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb6413ab4> Extracted source (around line #47): 44: <%= render_project_jump_box %> 45: </div> 46: 47: <% if page_header_title_implemented %> 48: <h1><%= page_header_title %></h1> 49: <% else %> 50: <h1><%= h(@project && !@project.new_record? ? : Setting.app_title) %></h1>
Any ideas?
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Alex A almost 14 years ago
Strange bug. I`m using redmine 1.1.3 and has no problem. A method `page_header_title_implemented' implemented in file vendor/plugins/redmine_collapse/lib/collapse_application_helper_patch.rb
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Alex A almost 14 years ago
You can try to comment this:
<!--<% if page_header_title_implemented %>--> [...] <!--<% end %>-->
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Chris Darts almost 14 years ago
I just tried on my other server and it seems to work fine, without commenting out any code. Must be some configuration problem on the first server.
This is a great plugin, especially when viewing a 'busy' Gantt chart.
Should this be added to the official Redmine plugin directory (, so other's can find it easier?
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Alex A almost 14 years ago
I`m not author of this plugin, i just updated it for working and add tree view feature.
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Terence Mill almost 14 years ago
Can u please fork the treeview plugin and push ur changes to github. Zip releases are horrible to share and release community based. Tx for contributing
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Carsten Weise over 13 years ago
I'm on redmine 1.2.1, after installation I can configure the plugin, but I see no change in the Gantt.
Can't find a way to collpase/uncollapse.
I was expecting to be able to collapse subtasks in some intuitive way.
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Diego Sueiro over 13 years ago
I'm using redmine 1.2.1 and collapse plugin 0.2.2 and I received the error:
NameError in Welcome#index
Showing vendor/plugins/redmine_collapse/app/views/layouts/base.rhtml where line #47 raised:
undefined local variable or method `page_header_title_implemented' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb6413ab4>
Extracted source (around line #47):
44: <%= render_project_jump_box >
45: </div>
47: < if page_header_title_implemented >
48: <h1><= page_header_title ></h1>
49: < else >
50: <h1><= h(Herve Harster && !@project.new_record? ? : Setting.app_title) %></h1>
Could you please help?
RE: Redmine Collapse plugin
Added by Carsten Weise over 13 years ago
In redmine 1.2.1, after installing the plugin, I was not able to change the parent of a task anymore.
Whenever I tried, I would be transferred to the login dialogue when I tried to submit my change.
After de-installation of the plugin, changing the parent works again.
Too bad I could really need this plugin but first it does not seem to work on 1.2.1, but then it also seems to disturb other functions.