Feature #20967
openActivity section doesn't show entries for some Issue changes
The Activity section is naturally understood as showing all recent activity on a project.
However, when I change an issue's subject, priority, or assignee, the activity section does not reflect any of these actions.
Activity page does show changes made to an Issue's status or if any comments are added to the issue.
Updated by Yuuki NARA over 4 years ago
I also agree with displaying custom field changes and non-status changes in the activity list.
I have created a patch, so please use it if you need it.
Below is my Redmine fork.
I am remodeling the trunk.
Includes following changes.
Updated by Florian Walchshofer 3 months ago
We would also be very interested in this update
The description field is important to us and also that it appears in the feeds
It would be good if these fields could also be set to appear in the activities or always all
can someone here take care of this update?
thank you