



Feature #2350


Support redmine link syntax in search box

Added by Brad Schick about 16 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Search engine
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It would be very helpful if I could go directly to a revision, issues, commit, or source file by typing the wiki link syntax into the free-text search box at the top of a project. Currently only jumping to issues works with #NNN, but it would be very helpful if all of the following navigated directly to their targets:


It seems unlikely that these would mask real free-text search strings, but if that is a concern using quotes could always force a normal free-text search.


add_quickjump_to_changeset_in_search-r2147.diff (725 Bytes) add_quickjump_to_changeset_in_search-r2147.diff Patch created against r2147. Mischa The Evil, 2008-12-21 14:43

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #3627: Can't search for numbers e.g. error codesClosed2009-07-16

Actions #1

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 16 years ago

  • Category changed from Accounts / authentication to Search engine

Brad Schick wrote:

Currently only jumping to issues works with #NNN

For issues only, currently you can even omit the "#". So NNN, followed by an <enter>, in the project searchbox is sufficient to go straight "into" the issue...

[...] directly to their targets:


Since issues are "the heart of Redmine" I'd like the current behaviour of not requireing the "#" to go straight to the issue. Though, if the "#" is optional (as it is currently) I can live with it... ;)

[...] directly to their targets:


+10... I see myself using it alot already... Makes me :smile:

[...] directly to their targets:

These two seems a bit of overkill IMO. Are you frequently going in "so deep into detail" straight from the repository main page? Personally I don't but YMMV :)
Note: for Git-users this would be much more needed than for SVN-users...

Actions #2

Updated by Brad Schick about 16 years ago

Certainly issues and revisions are the most important. The other direct links are just gravy, but I see little reason to not support them. It's how I expected the search field to behave when I tried it the first time.

Actions #3

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 16 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

Brad Schick wrote:

[...] directly to their targets:


+10... I see myself using it alot already... Makes me :smile:

The fact that such a feature gives me a big smile on my face triggered myself to hack this into Redmine.

I'll attach a quick-n-dirty patch which implements numeric-changeset quickjump-functionality into the searchbox. This feature is:
  • included at project-level only (thus only looking for changesets in the current-project's repository)
  • ignoring tried quickjumps on projects without a repository attached (thus does a regular search with the given search string)
  • ignoring tried quickjumps to non-existant changesets (thus does a regular search with the given search string)
  • requiring the following syntax in the searchbox:
    where NNN needs to get substituted by the numeric changeset-id (note that the r is required here)
  • not supporting the non-numeric changeset hashes used by e.g. Git (commit:HEX-ID)

Please note that this patch is created by trial-and-erroring with a useful outcome on my personal environment (Redmine r2147 + SVN 1.5.x). YMMV! :-)

Actions #4

Updated by Benjamin Schunn over 8 years ago

This is already implemented and could be closed.

Actions #5

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago

Benjamin Schunn wrote:

This is already implemented and could be closed.

Not implemented yet.


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