Feature #2516
Allow word-wrapping in pre tags in Textile
Added by Ben Oakes almost 16 years ago.
Updated about 10 years ago.
I often copy and paste text that should be enclosed in pre
tags for issues and wiki pages. Unfortunately, if the text is too long, a scroll bar appears on the pre
region because of the overflow-x: auto;
property. It would be nice to have the option of using pre
with a special class to use the white-space: pre-wrap;
property so that this can be avoided. I've attached a patch that would allow this when using HTML like pre class="wrap"
in Textile. That is, if the author decides that word-wrapping is desirable when writing in Textile, they can choose it at their option.
Affected version: Redmine 0.8
A very useful feature.
We quite often quote salient information from other forums and live chat, When included between
tags the text often needs reformatting to make the lines readable, and a word wrap feature is all that is needed.
To be able to specify the maximum width would be nice too.
As far as I know, "pre" stands for "preserve", or "preformated", that means that enclosed text should be printed verbatim, without any type of processing. This is usefull for column data, or ascii arts :)
Maybe an other environment like "cite" or ""quote" makes more sens.
Paul Rivier wrote:
As far as I know, "pre" stands for "preserve", or "preformated", that means that enclosed text should be printed verbatim, without any type of processing. This is usefull for column data, or ascii arts :)
Maybe an other environment like "cite" or ""quote" makes more sens.
I think you are correct.
Looking at the Text formatting help there does not appear to be tags that allow "quote" or "cite" However, ">"
does appear to do it as in the quote of your last message. Maybe some expansion in the help, or a button in the editor would help the average user.
This would be very useful (a try to recover this thread), when you want to paste a large output into redmine wiki
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