Patch #25609
closedChange Japanese translation for field_attr_*
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This patch improves Japanese translation for field_attr_* which are used in LDAP configuration page.
- Fix UI inconsistency: Japanese translation for "Login", "First name", "Last name" and "Email" in Redmine are "ログインID", "名", "姓", "メールアドレス". But different words ("ログイン", "名前", "苗字" and "メール") are used in field_attr_*.
- Improve understandability: The current translations, "ログイン属性", "名前属性", "苗字属性" and "メール属性", are look like one word. In order to resolve this problem by indicates that they are two words, the patch insert a particle の between words ("名属性" -> "名の属性").
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Committed in trunk, thanks.