Feature #25747
openSpent time - CUSTOM fields - edit permission - WEB UI vs. API access
let me thank you again for all your work.
I would like to ask you for a possibility of banning editing of a custom filed within Spent time feature in the way, those wouldn't be editable to users by using web UI, but would be editable by using API.
This would ensure us/help us with automatic insertion of i.e. proper and correct date by external system(by using API) without possibility of manual user modification(error/mistake/purpose). For API access would be used the same user account that wouldn't have right to edit the field by WEB UI.
Is this possible? Any idea please?
Updated by Jenda Benda about 7 years ago
Dear Redmine team,
could you have a look at this request please?
Thanks a lot
Updated by Michał Polanik over 6 years ago
I agree.
I've tried to disable custom field from editing too, but this isn't possible either from the UI side or database. Manually changing value of the column 'editable' or 'visible' in the custom_fields table doesn't affect the custom fields in the spent time section.
Updated by Jenda Benda almost 6 years ago
Hi There!
I hope you are all doing well... I'd like to kindly ask you if you could have a look at this request.
It would help a lot as we are facing this more and more as we have many users that should not be able to see or edit some/all custom fields at spent time "module"...
I believe it would help many redmine users and admins.
Is it difficult change in the code?
Would it be difficult to achieve this by introducing permissions settings for spent time custom fields? Visibility/ability to update it rights settings and assigment to user groups?
Please see here: [[https://www.redmine.org/issues/25746]]
Even those custom fields that are not filled in could provide some information, just by being there and visible to everyone (e.g. lists...) that should not be visible to anybody/everybody...
Thanks a lot for all your effort
Have a great day
Kind regards
PS if it will help, I can promise somy donation for redmine team-) THX!!!