



Defect #2575


PHP Syntax Highlighting Not Working

Added by Rakesh Pathak about 16 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

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echo "Hello World";

When the above code is used highlighting does not work correctly. It seems to default to using plaintext instead of the php.rb. There are no errors in the Log files.

Any ideas what the issue could be, or how I could gather more debug information?


code.rtf (389 Bytes) code.rtf Rakesh Pathak, 2009-01-25 05:51

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #3359: Update CodeRay 0.9Closed2009-05-13

Actions #1

Updated by Rakesh Pathak about 16 years ago

Sorry. The wiki has attempted to format this. I have attached the real code I am using.

Actions #2

Updated by Rakesh Pathak about 16 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
Actions #3

Updated by Guillaume Lecanu about 16 years ago

I have the same problems under v0.7.4

Actions #4

Updated by Abhi Beckert over 15 years ago

It seems to me there are two issues here.

One is that the syntax highlighter doesn't handle a standalone code tag. The line numbers don't mess up if I do:

<pre><code class="php">
</code>< /pre>

And the other issue is that php syntax highlighting only seems to work in the repository browser, not in the wiki. In our redmine installation, we are using javascript as a workaround for this, since the syntax is very similar.

Actions #5

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

Abhi Beckert wrote:

It seems to me there are two issues here.

One is that the syntax highlighter doesn't handle a standalone code tag. The line numbers don't mess up if I do:


Hmm, this seems to be a design-choice made by the Redmine developers. I'll explain...

  • Code within code tags (without a class definition) is handled by Redmine/RedCloth. Here's an example:
echo "Hello World!";

renders as:

<?php echo "Hello World!"; ?>

Thus within these tags the content is rendered with a different font-family (monospace) and newlines are ignored. No line-numbering is added nor any highlighting is done.

  • To enable highlighting (and to enable line-numbering) the code-tags should be used with a class-definition (which should be the name of a language which is supported by Redmine through the CodeRay-library) and they should be surrounded by pre-tags.


<Pre><c0de class="ruby">
# The Greeter class
class Greeter
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name.capitalize

  def salute
    puts "Hello #{@name}!" 

renders as:

# The Greeter class
class Greeter
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name.capitalize

  def salute
    puts "Hello #{@name}!" 

Thus, within code-tags with a supported class-definition, which are surrounded by pre-tags, content is rendered with a different font-family (monospace), newlines are respected, line-numbering is added and highlighting is done.

  • code-tags with a (supported) class-definition but without surrounding pre-tags is not supported and will mess-up the output heavily.


<c0de class="ruby">
# The Greeter class
class Greeter
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name.capitalize

  def salute
    puts "Hello #{@name}!" 

will render as:

# The Greeter class class Greeter def initialize(name) @name = name.capitalize end def salute puts "Hello #{@name}!" end end

Thus, within code-tags with a supported class-definition, which are not surrounded by pre-tags, content is rendered with a different font-family (monospace), highlighting is done but newlines are not respected while line-numbering is added.

Abhi Beckert wrote:

And the other issue is that php syntax highlighting only seems to work in the repository browser, not in the wiki. In our redmine installation, we are using javascript as a workaround for this, since the syntax is very similar.

Here you have the "real" issue. Currently PHP syntax-highlighting does not work in Redmine at all except in the Repository browser. IIRC this was made possible due to a custom change by the Redmine Developers.

An example of the issue:

<Pre><c0de class="php">
function add_ending_slash($path){

    $slash_type = (strpos($path, '\\')===0) ? 'win' : 'unix'; 

    $last_char = substr($path, strlen($path)-1, 1);

    if ($last_char != '/' and $last_char != '\\') {
        // no slash:
        $path .= ($slash_type == 'win') ? '\\' : '/';

    return $path;

will render without highlighting as:

function add_ending_slash($path){

    $slash_type = (strpos($path, '\\')===0) ? 'win' : 'unix'; 

    $last_char = substr($path, strlen($path)-1, 1);

    if ($last_char != '/' and $last_char != '\\') {
        // no slash:
        $path .= ($slash_type == 'win') ? '\\' : '/';

    return $path;

The recent upgrade to CodeRay 0.9 RC2 solved this issue temporarily. The upgrade is reverted due to several other reasons (see issue #3359 and it's relatives).

Most likely this issue will still be solved after completion of #3359.

Actions #6

Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 15 years ago

  • Category changed from Wiki to Documentation
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (Jean-Philippe Lang)
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Mischa The Evil wrote:


Abhi Beckert wrote:

And the other issue is that php syntax highlighting only seems to work in the repository browser, not in the wiki. In our redmine installation, we are using javascript as a workaround for this, since the syntax is very similar.

Here you have the "real" issue. Currently PHP syntax-highlighting does not work in Redmine at all except in the Repository browser. IIRC this was made possible due to a custom change by the Redmine Developers.

An example of the issue:


will render without highlighting as:


The recent upgrade to CodeRay 0.9 RC2 solved this issue temporarily. The upgrade is reverted due to several other reasons (see issue #3359 and it's relatives).

Most likely this issue will still be solved after completion of #3359.

The solution for #3359 indeed solved the initial defect, thus I close this issue now.

NB: set the category to remind myself to rewrite the info for the Redmine Guide.


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