Defect #26428
closedJapanese Emoticon characters cause error in issue desc and journal
When I add the following string to a new issue or the journal note for an issue it throws an error. Looking at documentation here I believe it is to do with the fact that my Bitnami stack creates the tables in mysql utf8 which is 3 byte not 4 byte. This given, could we patch or add code or an option so that, in that case, it simply converts any bad characters to ? - I see code that does that anyway so I'm not sure why that isn't happening automatically.
The text is this -
Here is the character that causes a problem with mysql utf-8 tables
Updated by Matthew Paul over 7 years ago
Sorry, it seems like it is already removing that character here. I can try again -
Character is a scowling smiley face emoticon here>>>
Updated by Matthew Paul over 7 years ago
Sorry, again, in fact this does seem like a bug. Even here logging it in redmine it doesn't just change it to ? it actually cuts off everything after that bad character. Which seems wrong. The 4 byte encoded character is -
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Invalid
Please ask bitnami team.
Updated by Matthew Paul over 7 years ago
Adding good info from a forum message in case anyone else is searching issues -
Deoren Moor
Some related issues: #24992, #21398#21398#note-10 in particular goes into a good level of detail.
We experience this with scraped emails (they're rejected) and attempts to post to an issue via the web UI (500 server error).