



Defect #27974


Issue-state can't set to done if state of one subissue is not set to done

Added by Entwicklung AMIT about 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Wont fix
Affected version:



There is an error in the workflow to set the state of an issue to "done" if there exists subtasks with a state which is not set to "done".
State of an issue can't be set to state "done" if the state of one subtask do not have the state "done".


This takes effect independent of the current configuration for ticket-properties according to the option for properties of superior tasks and there the option "%done" is set to "independent to subtasks".

  Redmine version                3.4.3.stable
  Ruby version                   2.3.3-p222 (2016-11-21) [i386-mingw32]
  Rails version                  4.2.8
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2
  Subversion                     1.9.2
  Git                            2.14.1


Configuration_Administration_Tickets.bmp (102 KB) Configuration_Administration_Tickets.bmp Administration-Page of a project and there ticket-properties Entwicklung AMIT, 2018-01-15 10:47
Configuration_Administration_Ticket_StateDone.bmp (83.7 KB) Configuration_Administration_Ticket_StateDone.bmp Ticket % done by State Entwicklung AMIT, 2018-01-15 14:04

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #10989: Prevent parent issue from being closed if a child issue is openClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Actions #1

Updated by Go MAEDA about 7 years ago

  • Category changed from Issues workflow to Issues
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
  • Resolution set to Wont fix

It is the intended behavior since Redmine 3.4.0. Please refer to #10989. It is logically incorrect to be able to close a parent task which has open subtasks.

Actions #2

Updated by Go MAEDA about 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #10989: Prevent parent issue from being closed if a child issue is open added
Actions #3

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #4

Updated by Entwicklung AMIT about 7 years ago

Your explanation about closing is:
It is the intended behavior since Redmine 3.4.0. Please refer to #10989. It is logically incorrect to be able to close a parent task which has open subtasks.

But what's about the configuration of tickets-properties used for, if it is possible to set the ticket-state as "independent to subtasks".
Look to the given screenshot.
Thanks a lot for check it.

Actions #5

Updated by Go MAEDA about 7 years ago

Entwicklung AMIT wrote:

But what's about the configuration of tickets-properties used for, if it is possible to set the ticket-state as "independent to subtasks".

Setting "%done" in the "Parent tasks attributes" area to "Independent of Subtasks" means that you can manually update the parent task's "% done" field. The setting relates to only "% done" field and does not relate to any other fields including "Status" field. In other words, it doesn't have any effects on workflows.

Actions #6

Updated by Entwicklung AMIT about 7 years ago

Go MAEDA wrote:

Entwicklung AMIT wrote:

But what's about the configuration of tickets-properties used for, if it is possible to set the ticket-state as "independent to subtasks".

Setting "%done" in the "Parent tasks attributes" area to "Independent of Subtasks" means that you can manually update the parent task's "% done" field. The setting relates to only "% done" field and does not relate to any other fields including "Status" field. In other words, it doesn't have any effects on workflows.

Manually update the parent task's "% done" field is NOT AVAILABLE if "% done" depends on the value of the field state. Have a look on the screenshot named "Configuration_Administration_Ticket_StateDone.bmp"

Actions #7

Updated by Go MAEDA about 7 years ago

Entwicklung AMIT wrote:

Manually update the parent task's "% done" field is NOT AVAILABLE if "% done" depends on the value of the field state.

Yes, because you set the "Calculate the issue done ratio with" to "Use the issue status". It is an expected behavior. The "% done" value is tied to issue statuses. My previous comment assumes that the value of "Calculate the issue done ratio with" is "Use the issue field".

Anyway, as I mentioned before, "Parent tasks attributes" has no effect on workflows. You cannot close a parent task which has open subtasks.

Actions #8

Updated by Entwicklung AMIT about 7 years ago

Ok thanks I see, so you can close it.

Actions #9

Updated by Go MAEDA about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Reopened to Closed

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