Feature #3110
closedFilter on date range (eg. Created and Updated fields)
I need to be able to filter for issues/tickets within a specific range of dates (eg. issue closed last month).
When filtering date fields (Updated, Created, etc.), instead of specifying the number of days ago, I would much prefer to be able to specify an end date and a start date.
A useful addition to this would be a simple set of options to pre-populate such a date range (such as 'this week', 'this month', 'last week', 'last month', etc.).
Related issues
Updated by Mikko Ruohola over 15 years ago
- File filters.rhtml.patch filters.rhtml.patch added
- File query.rb.patch query.rb.patch added
I've done something similiar for the new svn trunk version. Because my boss needed last months tickets(and this months..)
and it's not pretty.
Sorry that patches are in seperate files... I don't really get along with Solaris diff/patch stuff.. ;)
Updated by Mikko Ruohola over 15 years ago
Mikko Ruohola wrote:
I've done something similiar for the new svn trunk version. Because my boss needed last months tickets(and this months..)
Sorry, I forgot to mentions the details of the patch:
It adds "Last Month" and "This Month" filters to issues.
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Gerry Hawkins over 13 years ago
Would this workflow add a calendar option to the created/updated type fields to allow for a search like: created since <calendar date>? Or would that be better as a separate request?
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version deleted (
Candidate for next major release) - Resolution set to Duplicate
Updated by Gerry Hawkins over 13 years ago
Great! Looking forward to 1.3.
Thanks Mischa.
Updated by James Robertson over 13 years ago
Sounds great. Looking forward to it.
Thanks Mischa and Jean-Philippe.