Feature #32491
closedWatcher can see tickets independent from issue visibility
Hello Redmine Team,
we would need the following configuration option:
In our projects, our members have the issue visibility "Issues created by or assigned to the user".
This is set by default, due to GDPR and internal reasons.
For some cases, we would need to allow watchers to see the issue and also be informed via E-Mail about changes. But with above issue visibility this is not possible. We can add watchers, but of course, they do not see the issue.
In contrast, setting the issue visibility to "All non private issues" would allow them to see too much tickets.
So a combination would be great: general setting for visibility is "Issues created by or assigned to the user" but with the exceptional case, if a person is assigned as watcher.
It should be possible, that the watcher can see those issues, he has been added to.
Thanks in advance.
Related issues
Updated by Holger Just over 5 years ago
- Is duplicate of Patch #23546: Issue visibility "watched by, created by or assigned to" for roles added
Updated by Holger Just over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
There is a (quite possible slightly outdated by now) patch for that feature in #23546 already.
In #8488#note-166 and following, there was some discussion about the broader scope of the watchers feature and how it could be broadened to better fit this or similar use-cases. In any case though, I still think this proposed feature to allow access to involved people or watchers is a good idea to have with the current state of the Watchers model. It might be refined in the future but there could still be a straight-forward migration from the current model.