



Defect #3253


LDAP Auth : Alias Dereference

Added by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affected version:



I'm using last stable release of RedMine (0.8.3) with OpenLDAP 2.3.43 and I can't manage to get LDAP users authenticated.

It seems that the ldap search is done with wrong parameter for alias dereference option.

I made a ldapsearch from bash prompt with same filter as Redmine and all worked fine (my ldap.conf has DEREF = always seen in ldapquery log as deref=3), I checked in OpenLDAP log and RedMine queries seems to be run with dereference set to "never" (seen in ldapquery log as deref=0).

Do you know if there's a way to set this option in Redmine Source or settings files ?

I'm not familiar with redmine source code and ruby in general, but i think it must be something related to Net::LDAP statements in app/models/auth_source_ldap.rb.

Here is my server & Redmine install info :

Redmine version           0.8.3
Ruby version              1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version          1.3.1
Rails version             2.1.2
Active Record version     2.1.2
Action Pack version       2.1.2
Active Resource version   2.1.2
Action Mailer version     2.1.2
Active Support version    2.1.2

MySQL 5.0.58
OpenLDAP 2.3.43

On Linux CentOS 5.3

Thanks in advance for your help.



Sorry for my english, french user here ;)


advanced_ldap_auth_0.8.3.diff (8.34 KB) advanced_ldap_auth_0.8.3.diff Daniel Marczisovszky, 2009-05-01 21:16
advanced_ldap_auth_0.8.3.diff (9.93 KB) advanced_ldap_auth_0.8.3.diff Daniel Marczisovszky, 2009-05-12 21:33

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Patch #3358: Advanced LDAP authenticationNew2009-05-13

Related to Redmine - Feature #1913: LDAP - authenticate as userClosedJean-Philippe Lang2008-09-16

Related to Redmine - Defect #1420: LDAP authentication extremely flakyNeeds feedback2008-06-10

Actions #1

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

The attached patch replaces auth_source_ldap.rb and adds GUI options to allow alias dereferencing, custom search filter, START_TLS, server certificate validation level.

This patch includes Feature #1913 by Adi Kriegisch.

The custom search filter works the same way as found in this patch. For example to search users whose employeeType contains developer, use this custom filter: (&(uid=$login)(employeeType=developer))

Searching is sub-tree, this could also solve Defect #1954, but in the future it could be configurable from the GUI.

After applying this patch, run rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production", as auth_sources table is modified in the database. (starttls, filter, require_cert and dereference columns are added)

The patch uses Ruby/LDAP, exactly the same way as Defect #1420, so it should be installed first. On Debian systems, install the libldap-ruby1.8 package.

Actions #2

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

Thanks for the patch, i'll test it this afternoon.

I suppose i must apply this patch to RedMine current trunk version (Stupid Question © inside ?)

Actions #3

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago


never post reply before finishing his mug of coffee.

Installing a fresh 0.8.3 redmine and reporting results here

Actions #4

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

- Installed Ruby/LDAP : OK
- Installed RedMine 0.8.3 : OK
- Patching RedMine 0.8.3 with diff file then rake db:migrate : OK

Testing :

I get a 500 error on http://<server>:3000/auth_sources/new

extract from production.log :

Processing AuthSourcesController#new (for at 2009-05-04 11:40:27) [GET]
  Session ID: 94b1ffce233cd05b54a5eb911d4b891b
  Parameters: {"action"=>"new", "controller"=>"auth_sources"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering auth_sources/new

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `starttls' for #<AuthSourceLdap:0x7fa45ccba4c8>) on line #14 of auth_sources/_form.rhtml:
11: <p><label for="auth_source_port"><%=l(:field_port)%> <span class="required">*</span></label>
12: <%= text_field 'auth_source', 'port', :size => 6 %>
13: <%= check_box 'auth_source', 'tls' %> LDAPS
14: <%= check_box 'auth_source', 'starttls' %> START_TLS</p>
16: <p><label for="auth_source_account"><%=l(:field_account)%></label>
17: <%= text_field 'auth_source', 'account'  %></p>

/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.2/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb:256:in `method_missing'

Did I miss anything ?

Actions #5

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

So i took all from the beginning.

uninstalled rails, rake gems
re installing rails and rake with required versions as said on this page :

This time, rake db:migrate worked as intended (i applied the patch before launching the first migration), now i can add a LDAP auth source but it's impossible to use it.

LDAP Error reported : Cannot contact the server
Settings :
server: localhost, port: 389
no TLS
filter: (objectClass=posixAccount)

Bind Account and password set up (my configuration does not allow anonymous searches).

I think i'll test LDAP connection with an home made ruby script (in fact, i should say "try to test" because i don't know ruby ... google is my friend).

Reporting result asap.

Actions #6

Updated by Schanina Aether almost 16 years ago

I've the same issue please help us!

Actions #7

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

This patch is my first met with Ruby as will, but I going to make it work on your Redmine ;)

Please create the ldap.rb on your server, run chmod 755 ldap.rb On my Debian box I had to install libldap-ruby1.8 beforehand (this is required both for this test script and the patch itself). To run it, simply start with ./ldap.rb Make sure that ruby is installed at /usr/bin/ruby or modify the script.

require 'ldap'
conn ='', 389)
result = conn.bind("uid=marczi,ou=virtualUser,dc=integrity,dc=hu", "SECRET");
puts "Success!"

If it works, you should see the text "Success!", otherwise some Ruby error will appear.

Actions #8

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

I tested your script modified like this :

require 'ldap'
conn ='localhost', 389)
conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) # My OpenLDAP installation doesn't allow v2 protocol
result = conn.bind("cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local", "myPassword")
puts "Success!" 

Result : "Success"

The DN that I used is not an alias. If I use an alias pointing to this DN I get "Invalid Credential" Error

Actions #9

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

Will aka S.Collado wrote:

I tested your script modified like this :

Result : "Success"

The DN that I used is not an alias. If I use an alias pointing to this DN I get "Invalid Credential" Error

I'll try to get Ruby/LDAP doc and to modify this script to do :

1. Connect to LDAP
2. Bind with "Bind/Root DN"
3. Set LDAP_OPT_DEREF to 3 (always)
4. define wanted filter, something like :


5. launch an ldapSearch with defined filter

Actions #10

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

Do you also get "Cannot contact the server" when you click the "Test" on the LDAP sources using DN cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local for binding? Dereferencing works only for searching, not for binding, I guess.

Could you please enable debug logging? To do this, open redmine/config/environments/production.rb and add this line: config.log_level = :debug You may want to see app/models/auth_source_ldap.rb line 110: logger.debug "Bind as user #{ldap_user}" if logger && logger.debug? You should restart the webserver and please check if "Bind as user" is logged or not.

Searching is not so complicated, you may use this:

Actions #11

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

I still get "LdapError: Can't contact LDAP server" with "Test" link with my user DN

Dereferencing works only for searching, not for binding, I guess

Yeah I just remind that too

In LDAP, modes of alias dereferencing affect only the "search" operations

So impossible tu bind from an Alias DN

Extract from the production logs :

Authenticating 'Will' against 'LDAP Podpilots'
LDAP-Auth with Admin User
Error during authentication: LdapError: Can't contact LDAP server
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/login

Actions #12

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

I found some ldap search examples and changed the test script. This time i get what i want : attributes from aliased entry

here is the script :

require 'ldap'
conn ='localhost', 389)
conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_DEREF, 3)
result = conn.bind("cn=bind,dc=local", "bindPass")

begin"ou=redmine,ou=Services,dc=local", LDAP::LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(&(objectClass=*)(uid=Will))"){ |entry|
        p entry.dn
        p entry.attrs
        p entry.vals('sn')
        p entry.vals('uid')
puts "Success!" 

It displays :
["loginShell", "sn", "objectClass", "gidNumber", "uid", "uidNumber", "cn", "homeDirectory", "userPassword", "mail"]
["S\303\251bastien Collado"]

Actions #13

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

Can you replace initialize_ldap_con(ldap_user, ldap_password) function in auth_source_ldap.rb with this:

  def initialize_ldap_con(ldap_user, ldap_password)
    logger.debug "Connecting to #{}:#{self.port}, tls=#{self.tls}" if logger && logger.debug?
    if self.tls
      conn =, self.port, self.starttls)
      conn =, self.port)
    logger.debug "Dereference set option" if logger && logger.debug?
    conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_DEREF, self.dereference)
    logger.debug "Certificate set option" if logger && logger.debug?
    conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, self.require_cert)

    logger.debug "Trying to bind" if logger && logger.debug?
    if !ldap_user.blank? || !ldap_password.blank? then
      logger.debug "Bind as user #{ldap_user}" if logger && logger.debug?
      conn.bind(ldap_user, ldap_password)
      logger.debug "Anonymous bind" if logger && logger.debug?
  rescue LDAP::Error => text
    logger.debug "LDAP Connect Error: #{$!}" if logger && logger.debug?

This adds more debug log, so I could see where does it fail.

Actions #14

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

My guess is switching to LDAP v3 protocol is missing from my code, so you could also add that set_option

Actions #15

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

I updated auth_source_ldap/rb with the new version of the function you gave. Still LDAP error,

Extract from production.log

Connecting to localhost:389, tls=false
Dereference set option
Certificate set option
LDAP Connect Error: Can't contact LDAP server

Actions #16

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

Ok, so definitely the conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, self.require_cert) line causes the trouble. Could you please comment it out? Moreover, can you add this line to your test script and run it from the command-line?

Actions #17

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

I commented out the require_cert option line and now it connect to LDAP server (great ;) )

copy/pasting the line in my test script and bingo :

test.rb:6:in `set_option': Can't contact LDAP server (LDAP::ResultError)

Still unable to auth with an aliase DN but i think we're on the right way

Actions #18

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

Are you still using (objectClass=posixAccount) as filter? If so, please change it to: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=$login)) or whichever attribute you're using to authenticate.

Actions #19

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

Filter changed to (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=$login)), but redmine don't wants me to log in : incorrect login or password

On-the-fly user creation : on
Testing login/password directly against LDAP : OK

Authenticating 'Will' against 'LDAP Podpilots'
LDAP-Auth with Admin User
Connecting to localhost:389, tls=false
Dereference set option
Certificate set option
Trying to bind
Bind as user cn=bind,o=root
Search in DN: ou=Project,ou=Services,dc=local with filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=Will))
DN found for Will: cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/login

Actions #20

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

Can you replace this part in the authenticate function in auth_source_ldap.rb?

    # authenticate user
      result = ldap_con.bind(dn, password)
    rescue LDAP::Error => bindError
      return nil

with this:

    # authenticate user
      logger.debug "Trying to login as #{dn}" if logger && logger.debug?
      result = ldap_con.bind(dn, password)
    rescue LDAP::Error => bindError
      logger.debug "Login failed: #{bindError}" if logger && logger.debug?
      return nil

If you wish, you may log the password as well like this: "Trying to login as #{dn}, password: #{password}"

Actions #21

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

Done :

Authenticating 'Will' against 'LDAP Podpilots'
LDAP-Auth with Admin User
Connecting to localhost:389, tls=false
Protocol version set option
Dereference set option
Trying to bind
Bind as user cn=bind,dc=local
Search in DN: ou=Project,ou=Services,dc=local with filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=Will))
DN found for Will: cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local
Trying to login as cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local, password: myPassword
Login failed: Protocol error
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/login

Actions #22

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

That's pretty weird,
OpenLDAP logs say :

conn=8066 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=2 text=historical protocol version requested, use LDAPv3 instead

Seems that my
conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) is uneffective

Actions #23

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

Can you copy here your modification containing the conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)?

Actions #24

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

    if self.account.include? "$login" then
      logger.debug "LDAP-Auth with User login" if logger && logger.debug?
      ldap_con = initialize_ldap_con(self.account.sub("$login", encode(login)), password)
      logger.debug "LDAP-Auth with Admin User" if logger && logger.debug?
      ldap_con = initialize_ldap_con(self.account, self.account_password)
+    logger.debug "LDAP version : " + ldap_con.get_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION).to_s if logger && logger.debug?
    if self.filter.empty?
      filter = self.attr_login + "=" + encode(login)
      filter = self.filter.gsub("$login", encode(login))


  def initialize_ldap_con(ldap_user, ldap_password)
    logger.debug "Connecting to #{}:#{self.port}, tls=#{self.tls}" if logger && logger.debug?
    if self.tls
      conn =, self.port, self.starttls)
      conn =, self.port)
+   logger.debug "Protocol version set option" if logger && logger.debug?
+   conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
    logger.debug "Dereference set option" if logger && logger.debug?
    conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_DEREF, self.dereference)
    #logger.debug "Certificate set option" if logger && logger.debug?
    #conn.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, self.require_cert)
Actions #25

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

And here is the log generated by this code :

Authenticating 'Will' against 'LDAP Podpilots'
LDAP-Auth with Admin User
Connecting to localhost:389, tls=false
Protocol version set option
Dereference set option
Trying to bind
Bind as user cn=bind,dc=local
LDAP version : 3
Search in DN: ou=Project,ou=Services,dc=local with filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=Will))
DN found for Will: cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local
Trying to login as cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local, password: myPassword
Login failed: Protocol error
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/login

Actions #26

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

I just added a logger line in rescue block for the Authenticating user section like this :

# authenticate user
      logger.debug "Trying to login as #{dn}, password: #{password}" if logger && logger.debug?
      result = ldap_con.bind(dn, password)
    rescue LDAP::Error => bindError
      logger.debug "Login failed: #{bindError}" if logger && logger.debug?
      logger.debug "LDAP version : " + ldap_con.get_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION).to_s if logger && logger.debug?
      return nil

and see what it reports :

Trying to bind
Bind as user cn=bind,o=root
LDAP version : 3
Search in DN: ou=Project,ou=Services,o=root with filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=Will))
DN found for Will: cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,o=root
Trying to login as cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,o=root, password: 24275363*
Login failed: Protocol error
LDAP version : 2

LDAP version : 2 !?

Seems that ldap_con.unbind reset this option, but I tried tu add a line with ldap_con.set_option(LDAP::LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) and it raise the error above :

Login failed: The LDAP handler has already unbound.


Actions #27

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

Probably you're right and unbind should be avoided. Maybe this modification (this is uses an additional LDAP connection, the same way as the original auth_ldap_source.rb does in Redmine). The part after #authenticate_user should be replaced in the authenticate function with this:

    # authenticate user
    # ldap_con.unbind
      logger.debug "Trying to login as #{dn}" if logger && logger.debug?
      # result = ldap_con.bind(dn, password)
      initialize_ldap_con(dn, password)
    rescue LDAP::Error => bindError
      logger.debug "Login failed: #{bindError}" if logger && logger.debug?
      return nil

Hope it works, I'll check it tomorrow. I-)

Actions #28

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Victory !! \o/ It works like charm !

Many many thanks for your help !

Now RedMine can auth users from LDAP Directory, even for alias DN, hope this patch will be added to the trunk for future versions.

Thanks again for your help, tomorrow i will test that fix on another RedMine in production which needs this patch too.

Actions #29

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

The lesson is that there should be a new field for selecting protocol V2 or V3. Moreover unbind should be avoided. In PHP and Java you can rebind by calling bind again (without unbind), so I'll create a new version and ask you to test it. If it does not work with Ruby/LDAP then the current solution will remain.

Actions #30

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

No problem, I'll keep a test install of redmine dedicated to these tests.

Waiting for you patch ;)

Actions #31

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

The patch with the protocol version will be ready only next week, but till then you may try this code:

    # authenticate user
    # ldap_con.unbind
      logger.debug "Trying to login as #{dn}" if logger && logger.debug?
      result = ldap_con.bind(dn, password)
    rescue LDAP::Error => bindError
      logger.debug "Login failed: #{bindError}" if logger && logger.debug?
      return nil

In this one unbind is removed, but instead of creating a new LDAP connection, it simply re-binds.

Actions #32

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

Seems that it don't like re-bind :

Trying to login as cn=Will,ou=People,o=accounts,dc=local
Login failed: already bound.
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/login

Actions #33

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

I think i'll roll back to the unbind / new connection solution.

Actions #34

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

I think the unbind is not necessery, but the new connection method should be used. Re-binding on an existing connection definitely won't work. This evening I'll modify the patch to make it possible to select protocol version.

Actions #35

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky almost 16 years ago

This new version contains the LDAP protocol version dropdown box, but you have to recreate your database or add protocol_version integer not null default '3' column to auth_sources table.

Actions #36

Updated by Will aka S.Collado almost 16 years ago

Daniel Marczisovszky wrote:

This new version contains the LDAP protocol version dropdown box, but you have to recreate your database or add protocol_version integer not null default '3' column to auth_sources table.

It works like charm :
Diff merged to a fresh extracted RedMine 0.8.3 sources, installing database, adding ldap config, authenticating with LDAP aliased user : user created with success in database !

Actions #37

Updated by Daniel Marczisovszky over 15 years ago

Further versions of this patch will be uploaded to

Actions #38

Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

  • Category changed from Accounts / authentication to LDAP
Actions #39

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

Closing this, status is resolved since 400 days and more (issue was last updated more than 400 days ago)...

Actions #40

Updated by Jan Niggemann ( team member) about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Actions #41

Updated by Etienne Massip about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to New

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