Feature #3269
openWriting a single batch file for all rake tasks
I am using redmine issue creation by email functionality.
I have used the rake tasks to create issues on particular project
This is that following rake task
rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=myhostaddress port=portno ssl=1 username=myemail11 password=mypassword1 project=myprojectname1 tracker=mytracker1 status=mystatus1 Priority=mypriority1 allow_override=project,status,tracker,priority
This rake task will create issues on myprojectname1
rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=myhostaddress port=portno ssl=1 username=myemail2 password=mypassword2 project=myprojectname2 tracker=mytracker2 status=mystatus2 Priority=mypriority2 allow_override=project,status,tracker,priority
This will create issues on myprojectname2
Like this i want to write many rake tasks .All the rake tasks are configured to diff email address.
Is it possible for me to write all the rake tasks in a single batch file and schedule that one in cron tab.whether it will work