Defect #32858
closedExporting issue as PDF fails when the issue has private journal
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If an issue that has one or more private journals, PDF export of the issue is failed with the following backtrace:
ActionView::Template::Error (can't modify frozen String): 1: <%= raw issue_to_pdf(@issue, :journals => @journals) %> lib/redmine/export/pdf/issues_pdf_helper.rb:215:in `block in issue_to_pdf' lib/redmine/export/pdf/issues_pdf_helper.rb:212:in `each' lib/redmine/export/pdf/issues_pdf_helper.rb:212:in `issue_to_pdf' app/views/issues/show.pdf.erb:1:in `_app_views_issues_show_pdf_erb___2781995059460618483_69922049768460' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:65:in `sudo_mode'
I attach a patch to fix this.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from Patch to Defect
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- Target version set to 4.1.1
I have confirmed this issue and it can be fixed with the attached patch.
Setting the target version to 4.1.1.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Failed to export issue as PDF when the issue has private journal to Exporting issue as PDF fails when the issue has private journal
- Status changed from Confirmed to Closed
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
- Resolution set to Fixed
Committed the patch. Thank you for catching and fixing the issue.