



Defect #3392


Issue categories length and utf-8 problem

Added by Dr. Agon Smith over 15 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
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Wont fix
Affected version:


When importing from trac using migrate_from_trac.rake I found issue categories names are сut off and their length is shorter then 30 characters (about 15 characters len). Issue categories were written in Russian in utf-8 encoding.
I looked for at the IssueCategory class definition and made sure it should be 30 char length. I'm using redmine 0.8.4.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Patch #1791: Raise issue-categories name length-limit from 30 to 40 charactersClosed2008-08-14

Related to Redmine - Feature #3573: longer issue category namesClosed2009-07-01

Has duplicate Redmine - Defect #4990: Migrate from trac - Issue category about 15 characters are cut offClosed2010-03-05

Has duplicate Redmine - Defect #5154: Migrate from Trac with postgresql and more.Closed2010-03-23

Actions #1

Updated by Dr. Agon Smith over 15 years ago

Forgot to mention. When I used migrate_from_trac.rake i've entered "UTF-8" (default answer).

Actions #2

Updated by Dr. Agon Smith over 15 years ago

Dr. Agon Smith wrote:

Forgot to mention. When I used migrate_from_trac.rake i've entered "UTF-8" (default answer) as database encoding.

Actions #3

Updated by Mike Stupalov over 14 years ago

Ok, the same problem in version 0.9.3. Details in the duplicated ticket #4990.

Actions #4

Updated by Aleksey Hariton over 14 years ago

I solve the same problem by adding

encoding: utf8

in database.yml

Datebase was created with command

create database redmine character set utf8;

My redmine version is 0.9.3

Actions #5

Updated by Mike Stupalov over 14 years ago

I solve problem. See #5154.

Actions #6

Updated by Daniel Felix over 11 years ago

Well this seems to be related to utf-8 datalenght.

If you define a database field which should hold 30 chars á 1byte, everything works fine. If you import utf-8 data which has 2 byte per char, everything went wrong. (30/2 = 15 chars)

I'm not sure if this is solved due to recent changes in redmine, but it would be nice if someone could check this.
Please take also a look at #5154.

Actions #7

Updated by Yar n over 9 years ago

when it will be fixed?

Actions #8

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Wont fix

Character length is different in Ruby 1.8 or not.

1.8.7-head :001 > "日本語".length
 => 9

1.9.3-p551 :001 > "日本語".length
 => 3

Actions #9

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Defect #5154: Migrate from Trac with postgresql and more.)
Actions #10

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Defect #5154: Migrate from Trac with postgresql and more. added

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